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Phoena's P.O.V.

I sat up feeling an intense pain in my shoulder. The bullet wound was deeper than I thought. I reached into my storage between worlds and pulled out a small glass bottle. Donna and John looked shocked as we sat in the living room of 221B.
I shrugged. "There are pocket universes everywhere if you know where to look." I poured the clear liquid on to my wound and it healed almost instantly, leaving nothing but a small, light scar behind.

John just sighed. "Could you stop doing impossible things for a moment and tell us what you came for?"

"What is that," Dean asked gesturing to the liquid. "And where can I buy a gallon of it?" He was serious, but Sam chuckled. Sherlock walked in looking smug.

"There what you'd call Phoenix tears. The... people, from Pyra are the foundation for the myth." Sherlock stated sounding conceited. "I've been researching your kind." Sherlock turned speaking to me.

I nodded and saw Dean looking at me warily.

"We've dealt with a phoenix before. It didn't end well for him." Dean said, threat obvious.

I sighed. "I'm not here to do anything bad. I'm here to HELP." I tried to think of what I could do to convince them. I realized immediately there was nothing, that I PERSONALLY could do.

"Sherlock, analyze me. You say you've been researching my kind, so fill in the holes. Prove I mean no harm to y'all."

John, thankfully, nodded. "That's a good idea. Before we do that though, why don't you tell us what you got shot to learn."

I shook my head. "Y'all would just distrust everything I had to say. Let my credentials be proven." I cursed myself for my phrasing. They'd just think I was weird like everyone else. Oh well...

Sherlock nodded and began his analysis. "You're 18, going by your appearance. You were recently perched in a high, dusty place judging by the scuff marks on your jeans. You've lost someone recently. This person was definitely younger than you, or at least shorter in stature versus you. I can tell by the way when you're excited you reach as if to grasp a person's hand, then realize they're not there. This person is probably a sibling, most likely feminine judging by the way you dress, slightly 'girly' but you look uncomfortable in it, as if someone convinced you over time. However because that person is not here but you continue to dress this way I can only conclude you do it to honor their memory. Therefore this person is, well WAS close to you, probably a younger sister. You state you're from a different dimension all together, and judging by the way you act I can only agree, but you seem to be excited by everything we," He gestured to the entire group that was standing or sitting nearby. "Do. Therefore you know a lot about us, and admire us. we you're... heroes. Sherlock said the last bit a bit distastefully, as if her resented being someone's hero. "I can only conclude that you mean us no harm out of a deluded perspective of our lives. You may even be of some help."

I stood up facing away. I hadn't intended for him to know about Krystine, but he'd proven what needed to be proven. "Do you believe me now?" Everyone nodded or affirmed that they trusted me. "Good. I first need to be sure you know who is doing all of this. I assume you've seen the symbols, Doctor?"

"Yes, how'd you know about those anyway?" The Doctor questioned.

"Sam was thinking about them very hard. Normally I can block out thoughts, unless I want to, they're overly concentrated upon, or i'm agitated." I replied coolly, turning back to them.

Dean who had fallen silent when he heard about my sister chimed in. "So how does that help us?"

"If you were paying attention, it gives two out of three of the killers. It was clear that they knew we'd work together. That message was meant for me, from Moriarty. They were written by the Master, according to the Doctor. You apparently have the finale piece of the puzzle." Sherlock replied snidely.

"Listen here trench coat--" Dean began.

"Trench coats are cool!" The Doctor said. Castiel looked slightly upset.

"Oh hush, Doctor!"

"Anyway," I interjected. "You are correct, MOSTLY. I think I heard another voice, a woman's. He is right about The Master, and Moriarty. The finale puzzle piece is for the Winchesters. Sam?"

"I've been thinking about it, and I think it's Crowley." Sam said.

"WHAT?!?!" Dean shouted.

"Well The Doctor, and Sherlock talk about these other people as if they were their worst enemy. Crowley's top of our list, short of Lucifer. I really don't want to imagine him out of the cage though..." Sam shivered.

"Hold on, did you say Lucifer?" John asked.

"Yup." Sam said looking uncomfortable.

"As in the Devil? Like THE Devil?!" Donna asked.

"Yes, and Sammy probably doesn't want to talk about it. Phoe, you said you had info?" Dean said turning to me.

"Phoe? You know what, never mind. The news, right. Well I was in the rafters of a warehouse where I sensed a dimensional anomaly. I heard a woman's voice say 'It better be.' and then a noise. The noise is the same one I hear when crossing dimensions. This plus the dimensional anomalies in the area lead me to believe they've created a device that can traverse dimensions."

"What I don't understand is how the Master survived, and Crowley got here in the first place."

I shook my head. "I don't know... but," I smiled as I just got an idea. "I could find out."

Donna frowned. "Wouldn't that be incredibly dangerous? I mean they already caught you once. Also aren't you a bit young for espionage?"

"I agree. People putting themselves in danger to 'help' is how they go," The Doctor said.

My eyebrows creased. "I'm 18, also a bullet isn't a big deal. I've had worse." Sherlock narrowed his eyes at that. "Anyway it's my choice."

Dean spoke up. "She's right. We need info, stat. She can get it for us. They haven't seen her, also they probably wouldn't know WHAT she is. That way they can't keep her out like they could the rest of us."

Sam looked horrified at this. "She's basically a little kid, who's already risked a lot to help us. You want to put her in more danger?!"

"Sherlock if she got more information would it help you figure out what they're up to?" John said quietly.

"Yes." Sherlock replied.

"Oh I don't believe THIS." Donna wailed. You're going to let this little girl go into danger you yourselves wouldn't?!" She stormed out heading for the street.

"I'm not a little kid." I muttered as everyone followed her.

When we were all outside, Sam pushed everyone aside and walked up to Donna who was farther down the street sitting on a bench. John followed hoping to apologize or explain. Suddenly I sensed something was off. I quickly flew in front of the three of them and moved my cloak so it was of my back. They looked at me confused and dumbfounded as I extended my wings. Instantly, machine gun fire rang out hitting my back and wings, where previously it would've hit the three.




I couldn't look I was focused on shielding them so I shrieked hoping he would hear. "CASTIEL, HE'S ON THE NORTH ROOFTOP DIAGONAL FROM HERE!!!!"

A few moments of gunfire passed, and then stopped. I waited a few more minutes then saw Castiel appear by Sam. I folded in my wings. As my adrenaline subsided I felt an intense pain in my back, I reached back and felt wetness.

"Crap..." I fell over as blurred shapes rushed towards me.

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