Chapter 9 - Friend or Foe?

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It was finally Saturday and Tori got a chance to relax.

Trisha decided to take Tori to the spa while Torian and Tristan stood home and played video games.

Tori got Vanilla Lavender Scrub and Wrap, the Deep Tissue Massage, a Manicure and a Pedicure.

Trisha got an Energizing Intensive Deep Cleansing Facial, a Manicure and Pedicure.

After the treatments, they never felt more at ease than ever before.

Tori even fell asleep on the way back home.

"Come on Tori, we're home, get up." Said Trisha.


Tori walked sluggishly to her room, threw herself onto her bed and was fast asleep.

Tristan and Torian were downstairs playing his Mario Kart 8.

Tori slept for 3 hours straight.

She was rudely awakened by Trisha.

Trisha rolled her out of her bed.

"Wake up you lazy teenager!" Demanded Trisha.

"Come and take your brother to the park!"

*Moans* *groans *

"Ugghhh! If I had any chance of being tranquil for at least the weekend, u just made me lose it." She shot back.

Her mother gave her a stern look.

"Uggh. I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

Trisha left the room satisfied.

Tori picked herself up off of the floor and took a shower.

She changed into an acid wash jumper with an emoji shirt.

She slid on her gold slippers and left with Tristan.

When they got to the park, Tristan saw Troy and ran to play with him.

Tori looked around for her favourite spot and she saw the very last people she wanted to see... Chris and Kamille.

They were taking their dog for a walk.

Tori saw a free bench but there was no other way to get there but to pass them.

She tried to make it unnoticeable by hiding her face with her umbrella but she was unsuccessful.

"Well look what the tide washed up. Seems you follow me everywhere I go." She flipped her blonde hair in vain.

"Look, I'm not stooping to your level. If you want to make me angry, you're going to have to reach me and I'm wayy to high above your level boo." Tori said walking away feeling proud with her comeback.

"Ohhhh!! Burn sis you're gonna have to come up with a better one next time." Patting her on her shoulder.

"Shut up." Said Kamille.

Chris laughed uncontrollably for about 15 seconds.

Tristan and Troy were on the monkey bars when Chris' dog came running to Tristan.

The dog leaped on Tristan and made him fall on the hard ground.

Tori ran so quickly that she even past Chris and Kamille and they were also on their way.

Tristan had a huge bruise on his knee.

"Your stupid dog made Tristan fall!!" Yelled Tori.

"Are you an idiot?!! Your weak little brother should have held on tighter!!" Kamille shot back.

"Bishh! Who the f*** you talking to!" Tori yelled back walking towards Kamille ready to fight.

Chris held back Tori from Kamille because he knew his sister couldn't fight.

"Yo back up Tori!" Said Chris.

"Who the hell are you talking so to she didn't have the right saying those things about Tristan. She barely knows him!" Shouted Tori.

"Not to be rude but, your little bro is kinda weak." He laughed.

Tori brought Tristan behind her and told him to step back.

Tori's anger rose inside of her and she erupted.

She gave Chris a punch that threw him onto the fence.

Tori held Tristan's arm and they walked back home.

"To think that I like her." Chris said rubbing his cheek bone.

"You like her." Kamille pointed as Tori walked down the street.

"The pathetic little girl?" Kamille laughed.

"Nah much better than that." He said sadly.

"Come boy." He said calling his dog to go home.

"Humpphh, if you say so." Kamille said walking out of the park.

Tori told her mother everything but knowing her kind personality, she thought it was an honest mistake.

"I'm so angry and disappointed in Chris I could just scream. Aaaaahhhhh!" Tori screamed in her pillow.

"Was he my friend or was he in some sick plan with Kamille?" She asked herself.

As the usual, Tori cried herself to sleep that night.

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