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Tony's POV

Okay so now everyone at work knows I have a bunny. God, I am gonna be the laughing stock of NCIS.

When Kate died, I got a goldfish called Kate. When Ziva left, I got a goldfish called Ziva. Ziva left almost 2 years ago now.

The bunny is called Tali. My neighbours have two rabbits and they had bunnies. They were born on Ziva's late little sister's birthday so I thought why not. It is a perfect name.

Tomorrow is Tali's 1st birthday. It is Saturday tomorrow so I have the day off.

Well, it is getting late so I think it is time to go to bed, alone, again.

I get changed into a clean pair of boxers and I get into bed and I rub my face. I miss her so much. Why did the only person I have ever loved and only ever will love, leave.

I have been alone since she left. I even gave up trying to pleasure myself about a year ago. There is just no point in it anymore. I do not go out. I get up in the morning, feed the fish and Tali, go to work, come home, eat, feed the fish and Tali then sleep. Like clockwork. I just hate the ache I have in my heart.

I think about her all the time.

Ziva's POV

My plane to DC should be landing at 9:30am Saturday morning. Tali's birthday. I can not do this anymore. Be alone. I need Tony.

I am so nervous. Straight to Tony's. No actual plan. Just Tony. I have my job at NCIS still. Gibbs called me telling me that the agent who replaced me is going back to her old job so my job is there if I want it. I told him that I will take it but he can not tell the team about my return. Especially not Tony.

10:30am Saturday morning

Narrators POV

Ziva's cab pulled up outside Tony's apartment building and she paid the driver and gets her suitcase out of the trunk and she makes her way up to his apartment.

She knocked on his door and she closed her eyes. Tears burned at the back of her eyes. Tears that must not fall. But they will. She knows they will.

Tony gets up from his couch and opens the door while taking a drink of his beer and holding Tali. He almost choked on his beer when he saw her.

Tony: Ziva? Oh my Ziva.

Ziva: Hi Tony. Who is your little friend? Is this a bunny? Aww she is so cute.

She strokes Tali and she smiles. Tony blinks a few times and clears his throat before answering.

Tony: Erm, this is, erm, Tali. She will be one tomorrow.

Ziva looks up at Tony's face with tears in her eyes and a small smile on her face.

He let's her in and he puts his beer down and puts Tali on the couch. He holds Ziva's hands and he looks at her.

Tony: What are you doing here Ziva? Why did you wait so long to come home? Are you staying? I have missed you so much.

Ziva: I missed you so much too Tony. I missed my home. I missed my job and the team, my family. I missed the love of my life. I am staying Tony.

Tony: Good. The love of your life?

Ziva: You Tony. You are the love of my life.

That was all he needed to hear. He wrapped his arms around her waist and he kissed her slowly and passionately. She wasted no time in kissing him back with just as much passion.

They kissed for what felt like hours, but was probably just a few minutes.

Tony: I love you Ziva David. I always have and I always will.

Ziva: I love you too Tony DiNozzo. I always have and I always will.

They kissed and spent the whole night making up for the time they lost together. Life was gonna be perfect because they were both reconnected with their soul mate.

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