Wrong Numbers and Unforgettable Confessions

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Tony's POV

'Hey guys. It's Tony DiNozzo. I got a new number and not all of my contacts have saved right. Some names have gone to other numbers. So if you have time could you text me back telling me who you are. Thanks :)'

I sent that text 4 hours ago and almost everyone had text me back. Why has Ziva not text me? McGee has not either but I think I know his number.

Okay still no text. It has been 8 hours now. I am gonna text McGee.

T- 'Hey McGee. I do not need you to text me back but I need to tell someone what is on my mind. I am in love with Ziva. I have been since the moment I met her. What am I going to do? She does not like me, she is with CIRay. I lied about being a stud. In the last 4 years I have only slept with 6 women. They all stormed out because I kept saying Ziva's name in bed. I am so confused on what to do. How do I tell her?
Thanks for listening and I swear if you tell anyone about this I will do more than superglue your face to your desk.'

1 hour later.

I hear a knock at my door. I pause the movie I am watching and put down my beer so I can answer the door.

When I answered the door I did not expect the person who was there to be there.

"Ziva? What are you doing here so late? It is like 10pm." I asked as I let her in.

Ziva turned to me and just stood there looking down at the floor.

"Zi? Is everything okay?" I asked as I walked closer to her.

She did not answer. I walked even closer and placed my hand on her arm. She flinched her arm away and quietly hissed in pain.

"Zi? I am sorry. Did I hurt you?" I could see the tears running down her face now.

"No Tony. You are not the one who hurt me. I broke up with Ray." Ziva said and sat down on the couch, crying into her hands.

"Oh Ziva. I am so sorry. What did that bastard do? I will kill him for hurting you. " I said as I sat next to her rubbing her back.

" I told him that I was in love with someone else. I got your text. Ray flipped out." Ziva said looking me in the eyes.

" He flipped out over my text telling everyone that I got a new number? " I asked confused.

" No. Ray took my phone away so he could see who I have been texting and what I have been texting them, like he does everyday. He saw the text you sent McGee saying that you loved me. You sent it to the wrong number. He got really mad. He asked why you had my number. I said because we are best friends. Then he asked if I loved him. I said no. He asked if I love you and I said yes, I always have. When he went to go get some ice for his hand, I grabbed my bag and left. "

"Oh Ziva. Did he punch the wall or something? Why did he need ice for his hand? He should not be taking your phone off of you. That is not right. Are you okay? " I asked as she started to stand up and took her jacket off.

"No, he did not punch the wall. I will show you what he punched. "

Ziva pulled her top up and over her head. She was stood in just her bra and skinny jeans. All her hips and arms were covered in bruses. Some old but some very new. She was crying really hard now. I walked over to her and gently hugged her, not to hard so hurt her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried into my neck.

"Shhh Ziva. You are safe now. I will never let him hurt you again. Ziva I need you to be honest with me. In the 4 months that you have been dating Ray, how long has he been beating you? I know this was not just once. Some of those bruses are older than others. "

Ziva pulled away from the hug and sat on the sofa, motioning for Tony to sit next to her.

"Okay. Well you know when I called Gibbs saying I was going away with Ray for a week? Then Gibbs said that we had only been dating for 3 weeks and it might be a bit soon? Well we did not go away. Ray had started saying that he is the only person who will ever love me and began hitting me. That was the week before that. One day he hit me in the face so hard that I could not cover it up with makeup. That is why I was not at work. He stopped hitting me in the face and just hit places that I could cover with clothes. But that is not the worst thing that he did Tony." Ziva curled herself up into my chest and started crying really hard now. I stroked her hair to try and calm her down while my other arm was wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

"He had no right to say that to you. We all love you. The whole team and everyone who has ever met you. I love you most of all and I have for a long time. What else did he do to you Ziva? "

"H-he r-raped me. He would do it almost every day."

Oh my god. I can not believe she went through all that and I did not even notice it. I was so jealous that I did not notice how much pain she was going through.

" I love you Tony. I never loved Ray. I have no idea why I let him do that to me. I just started to believe that no one would love me because I am so broken."

" I love you and all of you. I will spend the rest of my life to mend those broken pieces. Ziva will you please be my girlfriend? " I practically begged. She was looking at me the whole time.

"Yes, Tony. I will be your girlfriend. I love you so much. "

That was all I needed. I leaned towards her and kissed her. It was slow and sweet but passionate. My life is complete. The woman I have been in love with for years is finally mine and she loves me too.

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