Winter Storm

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-This is in the time set of Race to the Edge. They are all back in Berk since Stoick asked for help rounding up animals and other tasks. Just so ya'll know, this is super long. Enjoy-

The wind blows harshly throughout the town, snow starts to fall heavier. "Hmm, seems like a storm is coming through eh bud?" Hiccup asks his dragon from his desk. Toothless gives a low growl in response. Knocking can be faintly heard, Hiccup gets up to answer the door. He opens it to a freezing Stormfly and Astrid. "Oh, hello m'lady ho-" He was cut off by Stormfly pushing him over to get into the warmth of his home.

"Sorry for that, it's absolutely freezing out here." She walks in closing the door behind her.

"It's ok. Do you need anything?" He said picking himself off the floor.

"Can you get me a blanket please." Astrid shivered hugging herself.

"Yea, I'll get you one." Hiccup ran up the stairs as Astrid sits down next to the fire with her Deadly Nadder. Hiccup grabs two blankets from a chest in his room where him and his father store extra furs and such. "Come one Toothless." He calls for his Night Fury as he jogs down the stairs. Toothless jumps down greeting Stormfly. "Here you are." He hands Astrid a blanket setting the other one on the dinner table.

"Where's your father?" Astrid asks wrapping herself in the blanket.

"He's helping Mulch and Bucket get some animals into the Great Hall." He said sitting next to her and rubbing Astrid's back to help her warm up a bit faster.

"Why aren't you helping?" She cuddled up to Hiccup

"He wanted me to stay here and draw up some designs for a stronger lock to put on the doors of the Great Hall so they won't break do to the strong winds."

"Well you are the best for the job." They both chuckled. A low purr can be heard, both of the dragons fell asleep next to the warm fire. Toothless wearing the other blanket. Astrid laid her head on Hiccup's shoulder he smiled as a light blush crawled across his face. The wind howled outside sending a shiver down Astrid's spine. Hiccup pulled her closer.

"It's getting pretty bad out there."

"Yup." Astrid agreed slowly closing her eyes. Being in Hiccup's arms always clamed her, making the world seem much calmer than it was. Hiccup rested his head on Astrid's rubbing her arm, he shivers slightly. "Are you cold?"

"Yea but it's nothing. You were actually outside walking through it." She lifts her arm and puts part of the blanket around Hiccup. "Heh, thanks." They smile cuddling closer. Hiccup kisses Astrid's forehead. "You think they'll miss us in the Great Hall?"

Astrid laughed, "We still have time to get over there." She gets up leaving the blanket on Hiccup and opens the door. A huge gust of wind blows in a pile of snow. "Nevermind." She closes the door shaking off any snow that got on her clothes and sits back down next to Hiccup. He laughs as he brushes some snow out of her hair.

"Well, we can stay here. We'll be safe and warm." He puts the blanket around her.

"Yea, plus we have two dragons to keep the fire going and the food that you have here."

"See we have plenty of supplies to get through this storm," He hugs his girlfriend, "together." They smile.

Hours pass the storm getting anything but better. The dragons have woken up from their naps and started to explore a bit of the Haddock home. Hiccup and Astrid have fallen asleep on the floor, Astrid sleeping on Hiccup's chest slowly moving up and down along with Hiccup's breathing. Their breaths start to go together into a rhythm. A loud crash was heard from upstairs, luckily Hiccup was the one who woke up. If it was Astrid she would be super cranky.

'Few, she's still asleep.' Hiccup thought carefully moving Astrid off of him to see what the noise was. He goes up to his room to see two tangled dragons. "Toothless!" He quietly yelled. He starts to cut the rope the two were tangled in. They growl and screech, "Shh!" The dragons don't listen and in turn and get louder. "No no no! SSHH" Hiccup pats their noses trying to calm them down. A loud groan can be heard from the downstairs. 'Oh no' Hiccup thought. The dragons sensed the danger and calmed down instantly. Stormfly knowing what was about to happen tried to cut the rope with a spine shot. hitting the rope but shooting some a stray and hitting some of Hiccup's maps. The Deadly Nadder hid in the corner of Hiccup's room hiding herself with her wings. Toothless sprawling around the room before  jumping onto the rafters. Hiccup picked up the rope putting it on the chest in his room getting ready for the indoor storm coming his way.

"HICCUP!" Astrid yelled stomping up the stairs.

"H-hey how was your nap?" Hiccup darted his eyes around looking anywhere but his cranky girlfriend.

"What was that."

"What do you mean?" Hiccup stuttered

"Why were the dragons growling and making so much noise?"

"Oh you know, they're dragons. They are gonna make noise when they are awake. They are going to move around."

"Shh! I've heard enough. Just, calm them down." Astrid yawned.

"O-oh ok, ok I will."

"Thank you." She kissed his cheek. She went back downstairs to get back to sleep.

'Well that was, not explosive.' Hiccup took a sigh of relief and the dragons come out of hiding realizing that it was safe. "You heard the lady. Quiet down." They hummed in understanding starting to talk to each other on Toothless' stone slab. 'There we go' Hiccup walked back downstairs and went back to laying down next to Astrid. They survived the next few days with ease, a few dragon outbursts were nothing new. The storm ended so Toothless blasted the snow away from the door so all of them were able to exit and reunite with the tribe.

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