Chapter 83

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- Chapter 83 -

"WHAT!" I cried out horrified as Kate scoffed causing everyone to turn in her direction.

"Like you didn't know. You being Prince John's pet and all" She spat between her teeth as I snarled.

"I am no one's PET!" I snap back clenching my fists as I saw Robin sent her a sharp glare causing her to hang her head in shame.

"Robin tell me everything" I pleaded as I turned back to him.

"Sheridan whose the Keeper of the Crown led a procession of Crusaders carrying a coffin draped in white with a red cross through Nottingham. He used to be the King's favourite trainer of knights. He trained me." He spoke as I saw the grief in his eyes as I gently rub his shoulder in comfort.

"He announced that the Lionheart met his glorious end in battle with the infidel. Prince John announced that the Archbishop of Canterbury is on his way to bless his brother's body and oversee his coronation." Robin informed as I frowned and shook my head and rubbed my cheek.

"This doesn't sound right. It sounds more like Prince John is up to no good" I muttered to myself as the others frowned.

"You don't believe King Richard is dead?" Much questioned as I shook my head.

"I think this is all too staged to me. I shall return to the castle and see what Prince John will happily inform me about. The Archbishop should be arriving at Kirkless Abbey tonight. I will inform you what I can after the meeting" I nod as Kate narrows her eyes at me whilst everyone else breaths a sigh of relief.

"How can we trust that Prince John will tell you anything of importance?" She questioned causing me to scoff.

"Please he'd be lost without me. He thinks Wolf is a scarred man whom saved his life. If he is to inform anyone of anything it's me, he hardly leaves anywhere without me. He's too much of a baby to do otherwise" I chuckle as Little John roared with laughter. I gave them all a hug goodbye before Robin walked me back through the forest towards the outskirts of Sherwood.

"Be safe you hear me. I won't lose you twice" He commanded as I chuckled whilst adjusting my mask and hood.

"Yes father" I tease giving him a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug before running back in the direction of the castle. As was suspected, once the Archbishop had arrived in Nottingham he had immediately demanded to see the body, which Prince John was over joyed to show. I followed on my horse beside the carriage as we made it to Kirkless Abbey where four Crusaders stand at each corner of the coffin with their backs to it. Prince John lifts the shroud as the Archbishop comes over to look.

"His body is in remarkable condition for a month at sea." The Archbishop informed as I looked down at the body. It looked so real, I'll give him credit on that part, but there was no way that I thought that to be the true King of England.

"The Moors, they're masters of embalming." The Prince lied easily through his teeth as I watched the Archbishop as he eyes Prince John suspiciously. He walks around the head of the coffin and Sheridan steps up to it. Prince John clenches his jaw, looking at the Archbishop.

"Requiescat in pace." The Archbishop muttered.

"Thank you. He's close to God now." The Prince spoke pretending to be affected by the passing of his brother. I watched him closely as the Prince stares at the Archbishop until the Archbishop looks down at the body again, then the Prince steals a glance at Sheridan. The smirk they shared was exactly how I knew that this was all some plan and this look a like body was not the real King.

"Why did I not hear of this sooner?" the Archbishop demanded towards Sheridan as he froze for a brief moment.

"The advanced messenger came to me in London only a day before the body was due to arrive. I swore the man to secrecy before meeting it at Hull in the dead of night and coming to the Prince forthwith." Sheridan informed and you could tell his answer was rehearsed.

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