Chapter 2: Confusion

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Carlos's POV:

We just arrived at Aurodon Prep and I am really confused. I feel like every where I go, people are talking about me and my friends. It was weird when we first entered the car and Mallory pushed Emerey in before she got in. Then Emerey gave her a death glare, then looked at me and blushed. I don't understand her....

I honestly don't feel so great about this whole "get the magic wand and destroy all the royals" thing. I am usually all for a evil plan, but I am just not really feelin' it.

We are currently walking to our rooms. All of our rooms are at the end of the school. I don't understand why they would invite us here, and then treat us like outcast....

I was staring at the ground and thinking, when all of a sudden Emerey tripped over her bags and fell on top of me. When I looked at her, she was staring into my eyes and I couldn't help but stare back into hers. Once again, I don't understand her, but I know for sure that I like Emerey, as in more than friends. I have always thought she was pretty, but now I finally understand why she is so beautiful to me. I...I think I love her.
Jasmine's POV:

We were walking down the halls to our rooms, when all of a sudden Emerey tripped over her suit case and landed on top of Carlos  since he was in front of her. I still can't believe she has a crush on him. He is like my other brother, we just get along like that. When I went to help Mallory get them up, she stopped me. I looked at her like she was crazy then looked back at them. They were looking into each other's eyes like they had fallen madly in love. Then all of a sudden Mal decided to speak.

"Are you all going to get up, or are you just going to lay there giving each other goo-goo eyes?"
Mal said with a sassy tone. She just has to ruin everything, doesn't she.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to fall on you. Are you okay?" Emerey said nervously.

"It's okay. I'm fine, lets just get to our rooms." Carlos said scratching the back of his neck.

"Me, Mallory, and Emerey's room is right here if you all need us. We are going to go get situated." I said in a hurry trying to get out of the awkward position we are all in.

"Okay, we will probably hangout with you all later. See ya!" Evie said as everyone entered their rooms.

It's going to be a long road to getting this wand.
Emerey's POV:

I can't believe that just happened. Now everyone probably knows I like him. He probably knows I like him!My life is over. I am dead. Dead!

I layed down on the single bed that I had called dibs on moments ago.

"Someone is in looooooooove!" Jasmine and Mallory said making kissy faces.

"STOP! It's hard to not love him. He is amazing, and cute, and strong. He is just...GREAT!" I said while staring off into space.

"If it helps, we both thinks he feels the same way about you." Mallory said with a smile.

"He would never like me, I mean he is amazing and I am...just me." I said with disappointment.

They both looked at me like I was crazy."Girl you are the most gorgeous person we know! Don't doubt yourself we know for a fact he likes you, maybe even loves you. Just don't give up on him. He is special." Jasmine said while rubbing my back and smiling.

"Well if he loves me, then he will ask me on a date on this trip. If he doesn't, then my life will be over." I said with a huff at the end making me sound dramatic.

I really hope he asks me out. I know for a fact that I like him. That was an understatement, I think I am in love with him.
Authors note: I know it may not be the best story so far, but I am pretty happy with the work so far. Comment below if you have questions, comments on the book, or even suggestions for the story so far.

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