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Ginnys pov.
Voldemort was dead. I looked at the castle, it was a wreck. I saw Harry leave, and i dindt go after because i figured he needed space. After a while i went ot find him...only to hear a voice. It was Cho Chang and Harry talking. I followed their voices. Only to see him and and her kissing. She was movong her hands over his back. And harry just stayed their. I ran as my heart got crumbled. "Ginny!" He said following me. He ran after me. I forced myself not to look back. "Ginny, it wasnt what it seemed." He said holding my hand. "Well it seemed you were snogging her! So go! After her!." I yelled. He still held on to me. "I dont love her! I love you. Its not what it seemed." He said. "Let go of me Potter!." I said pulling away, runing away. I left him staring at me in the hall. I didnt care about him anymore...he's hurt me too much. I went into the dormitory and started bawling. As heemione entered i whiped my yearw. "What happened Gin?" She asked. "Nothing, can you please take me home?" I said. She nodded and we dissaperated to the burrow. As me and Hermione finished up eating what mum had made for us we heard a crack. I looked back to see my brother.. and Harry Potter. "Im done." I said putting my bowl in the sink and runinning to my room. I saw Hermione run after me. "Gin?"she asked through the door, "come in" i said unlocking the door in tears. "Ginny, what wrong?" She asked. I shook my head. "Is it Harry?" She asked. "I dont want anything tondo with that filthy prat! AfternVoldemlrt died i let him go get fresh air, then i went to find him. He was making our with Cho!" I said slumping on my bed. "Oh Ginny, i know harry wouldnt do that, there has to be a reason-" she said but i interupted. "I dont care! Can you please just leave me alone for a few seconds. I need to sort everything out." I said. She shrugged and nodded. I turned to get my trunk but the door reopened. I turned around to see a boy with Black messy hair, emerald green eyes, and glasses. "What do you want?" I snapped. I began packimg my trunk. I was going to mobe to the muggle world alone. I needed to get away and forget abour Harry. He, Ron, and Hermione where staying at the burrow for a long time. "We need to talk.. and what are you doing?" He asked. "Theres nothing to talk about, and none of your buisness." I sad walking away. He spinned me around and we were face to face. I had to fight the temptation so i pulled away. I would be leavimg tommorow,and the only one who new was mum and dad and Hermione. "Its not what it seemed!" He said. "Well it seemed that you didnt really love me because you obviously have moved on. I only agreed to the stupid breakup because i thought we be together after the war. But when Coldemort died i let you have space! And after a while i searched for you, and you were.... with her. I thought you loved me!" I exclaimed. "I do! Cho kissed me." He said. "But you stayed there!" I said getfing a few more clothes in my trunk. "I was shocked!." He said. "Yeah, so 'shocked' you had your hands around her waist." I said looking at him eye to eye. He suddenly began kissing me.. no i thouht. I pulled away and took out my wand, since i was granted to use magic whenever i want because i fought in the war. "Get out Harry James Potter! I never want to see gou again! Just leave!" I said pushing him out of my room. I sat on my bed and teared up. I was done with the chosen oane, i whiped my tears away and smiled. Yes, i would be moving first thing nexr morning, i would gra my trunk and dissaperate. But first,
Dear Luna,
I know this is a bit late, but i was wondering if you would want to move in with me, im leaving the burrow and moving to the muggle world... some place called New York. Write back A.S.A.P. Hope you say yes!
From, Ginny

I send it to her. 3 minutes later she answered.

Dear Ginny,
I would love to move in with you! I will be ready in the morning. Cant wait!


Ginny smiled. Tommorow morning she would be gone... everyone had to face it... she wasnt little anymore

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