The wedding.

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I looked into the mirror. I was shaking. I put on a beuatiful outfit for the wedding. I was a bridemaids! Only, i wore a diffrent outfit. I paced around my room. I sat on the bed, anxiety taking over me. I played around with my rings. I saw a photo album and opened it. Pictures of the happies memories, my family, my friendships, and Harry. I looked at the pictures of me and harry hugging, and laughing, playing quidditch, and one were he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smiled as some tears rolled from my eyes. I smiled and put my delicate hands over my mouth. I was so happy. And now... no where near happy. I took a picture of myself, and put a note. Hermione and Luna entered the room laughing. They saw me. I whiped my tears before they could notice. "Ginny, your not suppose to look prettier than the bride." Hermione said. I got up and looked in the mirrior. 5 minutes into Hermione and Luna conversation i looked back to them. They were chatting away. All of the sudden the words came out, "i cant do this, im not going to the wedding." I said. "But your her bridesmaid." Luna said. "Imagine....that Ron or Neville were making out with a girl that wasnt you, and you were forced to watch them. Now imagine going to their wedding knowing you werent the bride." I said close to tears. "What are you going to,do then?" They asked. "Im leaving. Im dont know were, im going away somewhere, forget my job, and Hawaii. Im leaveing, for good. This time. I cant tell you where, but that im just leaving. Luna im sorry." I said remembering she was my roomate. "Its ok, Neville asked me to move in with him. At least until we go back to hogwarts for our 7th year" She said, but sounding concerned. "Well im glad at leats one of us is happy." I said. "Umm, im staying with Ron the burrow until we go back for our 7th year." Hermione said. "So that makes two, i dont know if im going back to Hogwarts but i am leaving." I said. I turned my wand and swished it. All my possesions went into my trunk perfectly. I turned to them, tears in their eyes. "Im sorry, i have too." I said running towards them giving them both a hug. All 3 of us were crying hugging eachother. "Im love you guys, never forget that, or me." I said. "Never" they both said still hugging one another. We all let go. "I'll be alright." I said picking up my trunk. "I know you will." They both said. They unblocked the door. Giving me a path. "See you around." I said heading out. I walked down were Everyone was rushing for the wedding, getting ready. I made my way towards harry. "Hi." He said. "Hi." I said. I grabbed something from my pocket. "Here." I said pulling out a Gryffindor ring. "Your ring? Why? Your not leaving are you?" He askes cocerned. "No." I lied. "Good luck....see you.....around." i said and walked away with my trunk. I walked to the door. I took one last look at the burrow, my chilhood. Goodbye i whipered and dissaperated.

Hermiones pov.

Me and Luna stayed a bit longer in Ginnys old room tearing up. We finally got up to go to that stupid wedding. Why was i even going? I didnt want harry to marry Amelia, its Ginny who he belongs with. Uhh, he is so stupid. Luna and i walk down. She takes Nevilles arm as i take Rons. "Ready?" He asked. I shook my head as we walkes to the wedding that was outside the burrow in a tent like Bill and Fleurs. Except, it wasnt so grand. It was ok. There were cauldrons of food and pumking juice. Round tables. A average wedding. Anyways, we sat waiting for the couple to arrive. Harry was already there and didnt look excited or happy, which made me wonder. Amelia walked down the aisle not so sure herself. What was going on? The minister arrived. "Harry James Potter, do you take Amelia Elizabeth Hart to be your wife, love and cherish?" The minister asked. Everyone wanted to cry, we fought the temptation to object. Harry looked green. "I- i- i dont" he said. Everyone gasped. "Yes!" Amelia said happily suprising everyone and making them gasp again. She snapped her fingers and had a normal t-shirt on with pants. Everyone looked at harry wanting an answer. "I'll pick up my check later." Amelia said and dissaperated. Check? "The truth is....Amelia was an actress. The only woman i love is Ginnerva Molly Weasley. Where are you?" He exclaimed. My eyes widened. Me and luna exchanged nervous looks. "Ummm...harry. Ginny left. I dont know where..but she did. For good. Maybe until we leave to Hogwarts....but she did." I said getting up. His eyes widened. "No! No! Ughh, im so stupid! What have i done!?" He said breaking down. "Has it occured to anyone that we are sitting down at a fake wedding?" George said. "Lets give them some space. George, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Percy, Arthur. Lets leave Luna and Neville, Ron, and Hermione with Harry." Mrs Weasley said exitting with the Weasleys and Fleur. "Harry, calm down." Neville said. "Yeah mate, maybe she just gone to her job." Ron said. "She quit her job." Luna said. This comment made harry cry more. "Ok, IVE HAD ENOUGH! Harry you were an idiot who had to marry a fakegirlfriend to get Ginny back! That was sooo stupid of you! You know Ginny still cares! She got pushed farther from you than closer! You know her, she will never destroy your happiness! So im done sugarcoating it!, shes my bestfriend...she'll return. I know she will." I said letting all words rush out shocking everyone. He nodded. We all put down the tent and went into the burrow. I sat with harry by the fire place."She'll come." I said. "I know." He said. "Isnt that ring Ginnys?" I askes looking at the Gryffindor ring. He nodded. " If i knew that was gonna be the last thing i had from her....i would have at least held her for a second before letting go." He said. I gave him the photo album. He looked at the last picture. He looked at a picture from her today she took when me and Luna walked in with a note. "Read it." I said walking away. I stared at him.

He read: "The thing we loose have a way of coming back to us, if not always in the way we expect." He read. "This is Lunas quote" he said. I nodded. "Follow it." I said leaving him by the fire in contemplation.

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