The coffe house.

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I got up and got dressed up in a blue dress that went up to my knees, i wore saphire earings and did my casual makeup. I curled my hair and let it out. I put black flats on and took my normal pearl colored purse. I walked out and saw harry at the table. "Has Luna left?" I asked. He turned around and kept staring. "Yeah." He said. "Lock up when you leave will you?" I said putting on a small cardigan. He nodded. "Going to meet that guy?" He said sounding irritated. I nodded and walked out. I walked to the coffe house, but felt someone following me. I ignored it though. I walked in and saw Draco by a table. I was behind him and pit my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" I said and laughed. "It better be Ginny or i will hex." He said grinning. I punched him playfully. I sat down in front of him. "Dont get your knickers in a twist." I said. "You look lovely." He said. "Thanks, so whats up?" I said ordering my drink. "Oh not much, just wanted to you know, catch up." He said. I nodded and smiled. But i had a feeling someone was watching me.

Harrys pov.
I followed Ginny, ok ok, i know it was wrong but i needed to see who this mystery guy was. I looked through the window of the coffee house and saw Ginny with Draco!? Me and him are friends but still!! I did what i had to, i called Kate, Ginnys office mate and invited her to coffee. I wanted to make Ginny jelous. I came in with her amd saw Ginny turn around when the door opened, but then she just went back to a conversation with Draco.

Ginnys pov.
I felt like punching Harry in the face when i saw him come in with her. I quickly turned away. "That git." I mumbled to myself. "Isnt that Harry? I thought he was with you?" Draco asked. "" i said a little sad looking to the floor. Draco picked my chin up. "Whats wrong?" He asked. I hesitated but then spoke, " Well...he cheated on me.... with... Cho." I said choking on my words. "Hermione says it wasnt what it seems, but i dont want to hear it. He lives with me, but thats only because my boss wants him in the company and let him live in my penthouse. But i still hate Potter with all my might." I said. He looked sorry for me. "Maybe there is a reason. But why do you call Harry "Potter" now?" He asked. "The same reason you used to, because i hate him. I will never call him Harry again." I said. "Im tired. I have to go home." I said. "I will take you." He said. I nodded ans we walked out but Draco gave Potter a shameful look. Draci dropped me off in front of my pent house and drove off. I waved as his car left. I turned and noticed the door lock was broken. "Oh no!" I said. I rushed in and the pent house was trashed. I looked over and everything was ruined. It was gonna take at least a week to prepare with magic. I began to tear up.

Harrys pov.

I was in the front steps of the pent house when i heard crying and screams, i walked in and Ginny almost attacked me but Luna held her back. "I HATE YOU POTTER!!!" she screamed. I thought my jelousy plan worked, but she wasnt screaming at me because of that, i looked over and saw how trashed the pent house was. "What happened?" I asked. "YOU! I TOLD YOU TO LOCK THE DOOR WITH THE CHARM SPELL BUT YOU DIDNT AND SOME DEATH EATERS ESCAPED AZKABAN AND TRASHED THE PLACE! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" she yelled. Luna was obciously struggling with holding Ginny back so she wouldnt attack me. "Calm down Ginny, we can fix this. We are wizards." She said. Ginny threw herself to the ground and began to sob. "Im not upset over that, i know we can...but they broke this, my only happy memory." Ginny said barley able to speak because of all the crying. She held out a locket, it was one her whole family saved up to get her it for her birthday. I felt horrible.

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