His what!!??

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I was staying at the burrow for a month because my trip to Hawaii was being postponed. Harry was gone for the week, and i have to admit i was a bit worried. But he came back.... but not alone. I walked in the living room and everyone was there. They looked at me worried. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Amelia." Harry said. "Your what!?" Luna and Hermione screamed together. I looked at the girl. Dark brown hair, light skin, not that attractive, lets just say Hagrid was better looking. "My girlfriend." He said again. He looked at me. "Congratulatins." I simply said, crying on the inside but staying calm on the outside. I nodded my head and bit my lip as everyone stared at me concerned. "Um... i have to go run some errans. Well...um, nice meeting you." I said shaking the girls hand. "And again, congratulations" i said and rushing out the room. I had a white crop top, a floral red skirt and red heals. My hair curly red. I ran out and put my back against the front door. I sank down until i was on the ground by the door sitting down. I cried silently hut then got up to do some errans.

Harrys pov.
Amelia is a actress i paid to pretend to be my girlfriend. Shes ok, but not as beautiful as Ginny. I could tell Ginny was a bit off, so it means my plan must of worked. Make her jelous so she loves me.

3 weeks later
Ginny didnt really do much, so we needed to think big. I was in my room when Amelia came in and sat on my bed. "Lets get married!" I exclaimed. "Woah! What?" Amelia said. "Not for real, pretend." I said. She gave me a look. "Fine...,but only pretend." She finally said.

Ginnys pov.
I was in the living room when Harry and Amelia came in hand in hand. My soul crushed alittle. "We have an annoucement." Haery said. Everyone turned ro him. "Where getting married!" Amelia exclaimed. Everyones eyes widened. Hermione was the first to speak up. "What!? You only just met eachother!" She said. "And?" Harry said. Hermione huffed ans sat down with Ron. "Er.... congratulations mate...." ron said giving a weak smile. "Yes, comgratulations dear." Mr Weasley said. "Comgratulations" Luna, George, Bill, percy, and Charlie said weakly. Everyone the looked at me. There eyes on me, like telling me they were sorry. I had my head bent down and scribbled a note.

Note to self: Life goes on, its not the end of the world. If he's happy with her. Let him be. Do not ruin someones happines like it was done to me.

I folded the not and shoved it in my bag. I finally looked up again amd saw they were still staring at me. "Yeah, hope you have a good life." I said and rushed to my room. Though some people followed me.

Amelias pov.

I felt bad for Ginny. I didnt want to do this. She was so kind. I went upstairs to go to the bathroom. I heard whispering from the her room. "Shes not even that pretty" Luna said. Ouch. That stung. "I dont even know what he sees in her, your way better." I could hear hermione say. "Guys stop. She is pretty. And even though.. it does hurt, im not going to interveen. I had my love ruinedby someone...Cho. and im not gonna do the same to her." I stood there frozen for a while. I didnt want to do this anymore. She was so sweet, but i didnt like or even love Harry, i was an actress. A paid one.....but i cant quit. I signed a contract. I sighed and went into Harrys room. He was looking through a photo album. I peeked at a picture in which He had his arm around Ginny and they were both laughing at something. "Even though she dosent admit it....she still cares about you. I know." I said. He looked over at me. "How?" He asked. "Well, for starters, she hasnt tries to break our 'relationship' and i over heard her saying she didnt want to ruin someones happiness. Shes really a amazing person. Which is why you love her, isnt it?" I asked. He shook his head. I noticed a piece of cumbled paper and picked it up, for it had a note inside.

Note to self: Life goes on, its not the end of the world. If he's happy with her. Let him be. I wont ruin someones happiness like it was done to me.

I immediatley knew it was Ginnys. But i put it in his photo album. Maybe one day, he would see that too.

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