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Sleepovers became harder to achieve, leaving their interactions to take place after work in the form of stereotypical dinner-and-a-movie dates. Sometimes movies would be replaced with the theater in town or bands playing. Mondays were usually reserved for Alec to spend with his family, but he managed to snag an invite for Magnus on the second to last Monday of the summer.

The Lightwoods had rented a speedboat for the day, planning to take it out to some little islands for picnic lunch, fishing for Max, swimming for the boys, and tanning for Izzy, who was bringing along her new "friend," Simon. Jace was bringing Clary, the girl who attended more family dinners than Alec did.

Magnus only had to ask permission to go out.

Alec had decided to tag along as they spent their lunch break trying to find Ms. Bane in one of the boutiques off the main courtyard.

They found her in a tiny Parisian-themed one, examining a white tunic, quite literally two pieces of light fabric sewn together, valued at $325.

"Magnus," she said, mildly surprised to see her son.

"Hey," Magnus said. "So I was wondering if I could go out tomorrow with the Lightwoods."

She finally noticed Alec, standing against a bookshelf.

"Oh, hello," she said, giving him a smile reserved for people she had to like. "You'll have to ask Harold. He was talking about making plans for us to go into Destin and meet with some associates."

"I don't have to go for that," Magnus said. "I'm sure they're Harold's associates which means they're not my problems."

"You could be inheriting Harold's business one day, Magnus," she snapped.

"I highly doubt it," he said, which earned an imploring "Magnus" from Alec.

"I wouldn't go into the bank with that attitude," Ms. Bane said. "Now if you'll excuse me--"

She pressed the white tunic up against her frame.

"Size too small," Magnus commented, making sure his mother heard him as they exited. "You're not a six anymore."

"How does she not hate you?" Alec laughed.

"No, she does," Magnus said. "But disowning your child is frowned upon in most societies. Come on, the bank's around the corner. Harold isn't going to try and stop me."

"Why? Is he trying to seek your favor?" Alec asked, stepping in front of Magnus, walking backwards.

"Everyone is trying to seek my favor, love," Magnus joked. Alec laughed, immediately backing into his father.

"'Love?'" Robert Lightwood asked. "Seems like an awfully friendly word, Magnus."

While Alec froze in horror, Magnus didn't miss a beat, the lies coming easily.

"I call a lot of people that. Less offensive than 'pet' and less of a mouthful than 'biscuit,' though I did go through a 'biscuit' phase. My mother hated being compared to any kind of carb so she put the cabosh on that." The rambling lost Robert, just as Magnus planned it to.

"Where are you two headed?"

"To see my male parental unit," Magnus said.

"He's getting permission for tomorrow," Alec chimed in.

"Good to know you still have a voice, Alexander," Robert said, glancing back at his son. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Magnus."

"You too, sir," Magnus said, slipping past him. Alec followed close behind, checking behind his shoulder until they were a safe distance away.

"We can't do that tomorrow," Alec said.

"I messed up," Magnus apologized. Alec was still tense.

"It's okay," he mumbled. Magnus opened the doors to the bank, which was quiet during the lunch hour.

"His office is back here," Magnus said, walking through the building under the suspicious eyes of receptionists and bank tellers.

Magnus opened the door to the far office.

Harold, who Alec had only seen in passing, was busy with the secretary in his lap.

Magnus didn't hesitate, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture. He didn't seem shocked in the slightest; there was almost a hint of experience in the gesture.

"Wait--" Harold jumped up, dumping the pretty blonde out of his lap.

"My mom may be a bitch but she doesn't deserve this," Magnus said, gesturing to the horrific scene.

"You little--"

"Break up with her," Magnus demanded.

"Excuse me?" Harold said.

"Dump her and I won't show her the picture."

"I don't want to break up with your mother," Harold said.

"No, that's where you're wrong, dumbass," Magnus snarled. "You don't want her breaking up with you. Trust me. I've seen all of her breakups. You do not want her on your bad side. Kick her out. Send us back to Brooklyn."

Alec watched Magnus' sudden fierceness with shock. This was a new side to him, maybe something he would have expected from the smoking, record-playing bad boy he met on that first day. But Magnus had mellowed out in the post-addiction days. In the days he had spent with Alec.

"I'll give you twenty four hours," Magnus said. "And I'm going out with the Lightwoods tomorrow. I trust that won't be a problem."

Without hesitation, Magnus took Alec's hand, holding it with such bravery and determination to declare Alec as his.

Alec allowed it until they were out of the bank doors, then he took his hand back, more afraid of his father's wrath than Magnus' fury.

"Ugh!" Magnus shouted, jumping up onto the concrete edge of a flower planter. "I hate my mother but guys like him just piss me off."

He jumped back down to the sidewalk, stopping in front of Alec.

"I could get back to New York," he said, with a smile.

They had carefully danced around the conversation about what would happen after the summer was over. Until now, Magnus had began accepting his fate that he would be trapped in Seaside for the fall as well.

Alec smiled.

"I want you there," Alec said.

"Ahh, black mail feels so good," Magnus said, rubbing his hands together evilly.

"That is a horrible moral value," Alec said, raising an eyebrow.

"You are so damn attractive," Magnus whispered, just loud enough for Alec to hear and blush. "Especially when you do that."

Whatever happened tomorrow, it was sure to be interesting.

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