chapter 7: ok?!

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Mae's p.o.v

"Mae Michelle Anne smith get your ass in here!" I heard my mum yell from the living room fuck I muttered as I walked in there. "What the hell?!" She yelled looking very angry. "Mum can we not please." I said and sat down. "What the fuck do you mean can we not!? I have a job and getting a call from my daughters principal is not gonna help me keep it young lady!!" She yelled flailing her arms around.

"Well I was sticking up for a friend. What do you expect me to do I know how it feels to get bullied. To be out numbered mum and I sure as hell don't want to see another human being go through what I did!" I yelled getting up. "I don't care it wasn't any of your business in the first place! You should of let her fight her own battles." She yelled back at me. Sick bitch.

"You fucking monster! I hate you!" I yelled and she instantly went from a scowl to a shocked face as for mine I kept the scowl she is an evil bitch I can't wait till I turn 18 this woman is horrible. I grabbed my bag and ran up to my room. "Mae get down here were not done with this conversation!" She yelled. "Fuck you I'm done with the conversation!!" I yelled back and slammed my door.

I went to my bed and took out my phone. 2 text messages from Andy.
(A=Andy m= Mae)

A- hey Mae are you OK?
A- answer me when you can.
M- I'm fine.
A-OK I was just making sure I heard some yelling as I was leaving.
M- ya we got into a big argument over jessibelle.
A- oh I'm sorry love.
M- its OK but she's not going to tell me I can't stand up for her. I know exactly how she feels and I would hate to have known I could've done something about it and didn't.
A- ya you did the right thing.
M- I think so to. What are you doing?
A-sitting in my room why?:)
M-want to go somewhere?
A- grounded?
M- ya but who gives a fuck what she wants;)
A- I guess. Do you want to come to my house remember my mum wanted you oer for dinner?
M- oh ya sounds good.
A-see you in 5?

And with that I checked my make-up and hair then I climbed out my window. I mean ya I was on the 2nd floor but there was a pole I could just slide down.(A\N that sounds so dirty lol) I slid down the pole and opened my back gate. After I closed the gate I ran across the neighbors yard so no one would see me then I walked up to Andy's doorstep and knocked.

He opened the door and let me in. After he closed the door we walked up to his room. After we walked in he closed the door and we sat on his bed. "So uhm Mae I need to tell you something.and its really important." And y said slowly and quietly.
Well that's not nerve racking.

"OK what is it?" I breathed out. He looked nervous as he played with his fingers.
"Andy?" I said and he sighed. "Well i-im in a-a band and we a-are going on t-tour in 3 weeks." He said and my heart stopped. Why wouldn't he tell me this when I first met him or at least before he asked me out or something. I dont know how long he will be gone. I let all these thoughts take over and I went into a panic attack.

I started breathing heavily and shaking. "Mae,Mae calm down its going to be OK." He said rubbing my arms trying to get me to calm down. Then he pulled me into his chest which stopped my shaking. After about 5 minutes of Andy rubbing my back and rocking me back in forth I stopped breathing so heavily.

And I pulled away from him and looked at him and he looked back at me. He went to grab my hand but I pulled it away quickly. I mean we've only known each other for 3 days but in that 3 days he could have told me at any moment.

"Mae please listen to me." He pleaded. I nodded and he began. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I know I should have but I didn't want you to run off and your the first girl I've liked since juliet. When her and I broke up I thought it was the end of the world until I met you and i-i just kind of fell in love." He said and reached for my hand again as he looked me in the eyes. We stared at each other for about 3 minutes.

I was just speechless. I didnt know what to say. I tried to say something but I choked. I just began to cry. Tears poured from my eyes and I turned away from Andy.
"Please don't cry." He said and hugged me from behind. "Everything will be OK. I promise." Then I lost it all.

Ooh cliff hanger and drama!! This is actually early guys!! Anyways its 4am so ya. Sorry if there's any miss spelled words in any of my chapters its prob BC I write them at 3 am or 4 am. Hope you guys like this:) ~mrs.biersack

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