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I didn't move. I didn't know how to react. He was kissing me. I just stood there as he continued to kiss me.

I finally came to my senses and immediately pushed him away. His eyes saddened as he watched me look at him in horror. I didn't know what to do...I felt bad. Really bad.

I looked around to see Alex and Andrew stare at me worth stunned looks on their faces. What have I done? What have I let happen? He kissed me...and I didn't push him off right away. What did that mean? Did that mean I liked the kiss? Did that mean I liked Mac? I was so confused and terrified at the same time. I looked back at Mac who was waiting for me to say something. But I didn't. I did something so stupid. I ran. I just ran and ran and continued running. I passed my grandparents house and I didn't care. I just needed to be alone..


Alex watched his sister and Mac as they shared a kiss. What was she doing? What was she thinking? How did she let him kiss her? Or better yet, how did she kiss him? Alex stood there, mouth dropped with a stunned look on his face. Andrew repeated his actions, dropping his mouth as he stared at the two.

He saw his sister then push Mac away. She looked around with a frightened expression on her face. And then, she ran. She just ran. What was she doing? Alex thought. He expected her to stop at their grandparents house, but she didn't. She kept running. Again, the question popped into Alex's mind, what was she doing?

Alex, Andrew and Mac shared a look before the 3 of them started sprinting chasing the girl.

"Aspyn!" Andrew called out as they ran. But there was no response. They kept running after her, until they loosed sight of her.

They all stopped, "where did she go?" Alex asked worriedly.

They all stayed quiet. Mac finally spoke up, "look guys, I'm sorry. This was all my fault. I kissed her. And she ran away. Because of me! I'm so so-" he was cut off by Alex.

"Look, dude," he started, "we have no time for this. My sister is missing. We have to worry about finding her first." Alex said in a pissed of tone.

"Alex's right. We have to find Aspyn first." Andrew agreed. Mac just nodded.

"Why don't we go inside and inform your family?" Mac suggested.

"Are you kidding me?! They'll kill us." Alex argued.

"Then what do you suggest, then?" Andrew looked at Alex.

"I don't know. Anything. I just don't want to get in trouble, okay?" Alex fought back.

"Your sister is missing. And your worried about getting in trouble?" Mac declared.

Alex didn't say anything. "Yeah, I have to side with Mac on this one, bro. We have to tell them." Andrew chimed in.

"Your right." Alex sighed and the boys walked in ready to face the consequences.


Aspyn finally stopped running and stopped at a park. The park was empty, except for a couple of kids and their parents. Aspyn spotted a bench and walked over to it. She sat down.

She knew what she did was wrong. But she had to do it. She needed some time to think things through. She faced her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand.

Alex, Andrew and Mac are probably already looking for me. So I'll just stay where I am and think until they find me. That's mature, right? She thought and then groaned, oh who was she kidding? She acted like a child by making that dumb ass move of running away. But she needed time to think. She decided to take advantage of the peace she was in to think and figure things out. I'll just go back when my thoughts are cleared, she told herself.

FAMILY / duncneyWhere stories live. Discover now