Promises with my friends.

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Hey everyone.
It's been ages eh?
Quick update on my life. I have now decided to become an extremely girly girl. Because you know.. Why not add more pain to my life than I already have? But yeah. To survive highschool in the healthiest way possible. I need to fit in. Don't ask. I just need to.

Omg I got so upset a couple weeks ago. My favourite singer is Adam Lambert. He inspires me that's why I like him. And yeah he's coming to Australia in January next year for a tour. But he's not coming to perth which is where I live. And I got so upset I nearly cried. I never cry so I was that upset. 😕

I have a performance next Tuesday for clarinet and the Tuesday after for piano. I'm more nervous about the piano performance even though I've done it longer. I'm just not that good at it I guess. But at clarinet I think I'm pretty good. We got put in pairs to do a duet. And the guy I'm doing it with is actually a trans guy. So cool. He's name is Jake.

Ok. To get to the promises with my friends meaning. My bestfriend and I have made plans to graduate highschool and move to England. Leave everyone we know behind and just start over. And he promised me we would do it. I can't wait. To get away from my life here. My family. My other friends. Just everything. It will be great.

I've kinda given up guitar. I can't seem to teach myself. So I'm saving money to pay for music lessons. I should start them next year. But I was thinking maybe after guitar I should learn drums. I've always wanted to. Drummers are so cool and laid back ppl. (Most of them)

So I think I'll end this right here. I had more I wanted to talk about. But I'm not sure if I bore you ppl.
Haha tbh I'm surprised ppl even read this!!
Cya next time!

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