Where is Grace?

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Stephen raced through the halls. He couldn't find Grace anywhere. He had called her mobile and knew better than to go to her house. Stephen knew all about the fight and about Grace's home life. He just didn't know where she was. Alec would know. Alec always knew.

"Where is Grace?"

"What do you mean where is Grace?"

"She's not at school, not answering her phone. We can't go to her house or we'll get our heads smashed in."


" I know you know."

"Did she tell you? That I know?"

"No. You have that look in your eye that everyone gets when they find out."

"Oh. Well I have no idea where she is."

"What do we do? She can't miss school or what's his face gets worse."

"You stay at school in case she shows up. I'll start on the streets."

Stephen sort of hoped that Grace had gotten out of the sticking house. But he wished she had spoken to him first.

Alec started around town in a small circle. As he started on more ground, the circle got wider and wider.Where the hell could Grace be? It took 3 hours to find her, hidden behind a dumpster.


She was bolt upright in seconds.

"Calm down. It's only me," Alec soothed. He had already noticed the ripped shirt and blood.

"How the hell did you find me?"

"It took three hours."

"It took you three hours to find me!"

"Well I could just leave you."

"God no! Don't do that!"

Grace go to her feet.

"Take me somewhere that isn't my shitty home. Please."

Before Alec could respond, Grace grabbed her head in sheer agony. Alec wrapped his arms around her shoulders and looked into the depths of the alley. Shadows were thickening, twisting into solid forms. Alec flashed his hand out and light streamed from it into the shadow. There was a broken scream and a face of swirling darkness rushed towards them. Another beam of light shone and the face exploded. Grace pushed herself off Alec.

"What are you doing?" she screamed.

"Grace calm down."

"You just...and he just," Grace tried to use her hands to explain what had just happened but it wasn't working.

"He wasn't human Grace."

"No fucking shit."

Alec cracked a smile.

"What was he then?"


"Of course he was."

"You don't believe me?"

"No I do. It's just...DEMONS AREN'T REAL!"

"You know you use a lot of sarcasm?"

"And you talk enough shit to be a high school teacher."

"Do you use sarcasm and insults to hide your fear?"

Grace stumbled for a pleasant response.Alec saw his chance and rushed in for an explanation.

"Demons and angels are real. Demons live on Earth and angels have to protect the humans. I just happen to be an angel. And you just happen to have a demon living in you rhouse."

"I know my mum's boyfriend is a dick but..."

"I meant your mum," Alec cut in.

For the second time Grace lost her words.

"You have demon blood in you and the demons are after you."

"But aren't demons..you know......monsters?"


"That's a wonderful thing to tell a girl. She could be a monster."

"I'm not saying you are," Alec said with emphasis on the 'you'.

Grace gave him a pointed look.

"Look I know this is a lot to take in."

"You're calling my mother a monster.I know she's done awful things but there has to be another reason why."

"Grace you are in danger. You have more human blood than demon. Your father kept you human. He shaped you to how you are now. He knew what your mother was after you were born. He spent every second of his life making sure you weren't like her."

"You better be right," Grace wiped more tears from her face.  

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