We Run or We Die

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The demon rushed over the two kids,targeting and draining Stephen quickly. Stephen was completely helpless but some how Grace's head was clearer than it had been in days. She remembered how Alec had destroyed the demon with light.Stephen's bedroom light was already on, so they must need brighter,closer light. There was a battery powered lamp on the desk. Grabbing and flicking it on, Grace shoved the blaring light into the demons face. The thing was stunned as its face started to melt. The lamp wasn't strong enough to kill the thing. But Alec was. The real Alec was in the door frame, bloodied and broken, raising his hands to shine the daylights out of the demon. Grace ducked as the UV light streamed from his hands. The demon disappeared without a sound. Alec looked exhausted.

"Why would you open the door?"

"I thought it was you."

"Your new trust in me isn't helping him."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's got demon poison in him."

Alec was already kneeling beside Stephen, who was a violent shade of blue.

"Why is he like this?"

"He is also an angel. We can usually defend ourselves against demons, but he was unprepared for the attack."

The breath was knocked out of Grace.

"What do I need to do to help him?"

"You need to hold him still."

"And what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to burn it out of him."

"You're going to set him on fire!?"

"No. I'm setting the poison on fire."

"Which just so happens to be inside him!"

"Just hold him."


Grace positioned her hands on Stephen's shoulders, praying to whoever was listening that this would work.Alec placed his hands over Stephen's chest and lit them up. His chest lit from the inside. Grace heard the crackling of fire. Stephen's eyes snapped open and he howled. He attempted to sit up but Grace slammed him back down.

"Hold him."

"I am!"

"Hold him better!"

"Hurry up!!"

Finally Alec pulled his hands away.

Stephen was quietly sobbing.

"I don't know what hurts more. The freezing cold from the demon or the fire from the angel."

"You set him on fire."

"Did he die?"

"He could have."

"But he didn't."

"Excuse me. As the one who was set on fire....dude it fucking hurt."

"Whatever. How did they find us?"

"Once you realised what you are, the other demons can sense it. So they come and ruin your life."

"So what do we do now Alec?"

"We get out of here."

"They'll come back won't they?"

"Yes and they'll find us wherever we go. But where we're going will make it easier for us to fight them."

Stephen hauled himself to his feet.

Grace was staring oddly at Stephen.


"Alec told me."

Stephen turned to glare at Alec.

"She needed to know."

"You lied to me."

"No, I just didn't tell you the whole truth."

Grace pouted ever so slightly.

"We need to leave soon," Alec pointed out.

"Just give me a minute."  

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