Is Anyone Else Feeling Slightly Tired?

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"Stephen. For the last time. Please shut up."

"Alec I am tired. My feet hurt. And your attitude stinks."

Grace rolled her eyes. This had been going on for 4 hours. Grace had no idea where they were currently or where they were going. She had given up asking a long time ago. Her feet hurt and she was very tempted to ask one of the boys to carry her.

"I will leave you behind Stephen."

"Grace wouldn't let that happen."

"Don't test her."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here. Now you two stop fighting. Please explain to me how a human can be a demon."

"A demon is a shape shifter. They can become anything they want to. They are commonly known to prefer the human body. It's easier for them to move with arms and legs as opposed to wisps of shadow. There are cases where a demon stays to long in one shape that is not their original and they get stuck in that shape. Your mother is like that."

"Do demons want to reproduce?"

"Not particularly. But they can sense if their partner wants kids and they sometimes trick them with their own desires."

"My mum did that. She tricked dad into having me."

"Demons move from mate to mate, once they feel that the partner is no longer needed."

"So what does that make me?"

"You?You're a halfie. You have demon and human blood. You will never be like a demon truly, but you will show characteristics of one."

"Am I in danger?"

"Yes. Your blood is the perfect mixture for powerful magic. Your blood could alter the direction the Earth turns."

"I vote hiding Grace for as long as possible."

"No one asked for your input Stephen."

"Well you got it anyway."

"I will hurt you."

"Would both of you please stop,"Grace staggered on her feet.

Dizziness had returned as well as the fogginess. The cold from the early evening was seeping through the hole in her shirt, making her shiver. It was a miracle neither boy had mentioned the wonderful view of her chest. Grace promptly sat on the floor as her head rocketed with pain.

"Grace we're almost there," Alec crouched in front of her.

"I can't go any further."

"The demons must be closing in.You're sensing them."

"That's great."

"We need to keep moving."

"I can't."

"I'll carry you," Stephen said.

Grace couldn't even nod her head to say she agreed. Stephen carefully lifted Grace, hands under her knees and neck. Grace snuggled into Stephen's chest. This was the closest to a boy she had ever been. And if she wasn't plagued with headaches,Grace was sure she would enjoy it more.

Tension grew between the two angels while Grace dozed.

"You know why they sent me don't you Stephen?"

"Cause I'm the rookie who doesn't know what he's doing."

"That actually sums it up quite nicely."

"It was one mistake."

"You nearly killed a human."

"It won't happen again."

"It had better not."

It was two more hours before they reached Alec's secret location.

"An abandoned gas station? Are you serious?"

"It's very powerful."

"At what? Not filling cars?"

"The building is built on powerful grounds."

"Part of me wants to know what you mean, the other part is so pissed off that you dragged us for 6 hours to this dump."

"It's important that we're here."

"I'm going to kill you and it's going to be brutal."

"I'm the best chance Grace has of survival."

"I know. Once we're done with all of this, I'm going to kill you."

Thunder cracked through the sky, so loud it shook the ground.

"We don't have time for this. Get her inside."

"What's coming after us? I know you said it was demons but you look a lot more terrified than you did at my house. And if this is meant to be holy ground, your face isn't comforting."

"I'm just nervous."

"Like shit you are."

"There is nothing wrong."

"I have an unconscious supernatural teenage girl in my arms."

"Her mother is the one coming after us."

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