I Still Don't Believe You

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"I still don't believe you're an angel," Grace said as they started to walk back to town.

"Of course you don't. You're stubborn."

"What's that supposed to mean?"Grace stopped walking.

Alec sighed and stopped as well.

"It means you're difficult. A pain even."

"That's just rude. Now I really won't believe you."

"You said 'won't' that time."

"So? You're not showing any proof."

"Killing a demon isn't good enough proof for you?"

Grace shook her head.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Show me your wings."

"That sounds quite sexual."

Grace gave Alec another stare.


Alec pulled Grace down another alley,different to the one he had killed the demon in.

Alec raised his arms in a position commonly associated with the chicken dance. White feathered wings erupted from his back. Grace heard his shirt tear and it dropped away from his incredibly chiselled body. Grace wondered if a beautiful body was mandatory for angels. The wings were huge and could have comfortably engulfed both of them. The glow off the wings was unnaturally bright. Alec 'flapped' his arms up and down.

"See? Angel wings."

He lowered his arms.

"No wings."

He raised his arms again.


Grace didn't see any more as she passed out.

"You just whipped out your what now!?"

"Wings, Stephen."

"You can't just show your wings to humans! You find Grace, rip off your shirt, show her your wings and bring her back in a coma state."

"She's not in a coma. She just passed out."

"I think any human in their right mind would pass out at the sight of wings."

"She's not human."

Stephen was left speechless. Currently no one in this house was human.

Grace heard the boys hushed argument before she was fully conscious.

"How do you plan on helping her now?"

"Her knowing might make it easier to get her out of this mess."

"I doubt that Alec."

"You doubt everything."

"This is why I hate working with you."

Grace opened her eyes. Her head felt incredibly foggy and it wasn't from sleep.

"Would you two please shut up."

Both boys glued their mouths shut.Grace sighed and rubbed her temple.

"Grace what's wrong?"

"You mean besides the fact that you're filling her head with pointless propaganda?"

"Stephen I will hurt you."

"Not before I hurt both of you,"Grace snapped.

Alec was about to ask about Grace'swell being again, when she exploded in an ear splitting scream. She screamed like the wailing woman. The boys grabbed their ears and huddled to the floor.

The screaming stopped. Grace was panting and there was blood coming from her nose. Alec looked worried sick.

"They're coming aren't they?"

Grace nodded.

"Stephen get Grace upstairs to your room. Keep her there. Don't leave her. Don't come down here."

Stephen kept his mouth shut and helped Grace up the stairs. He locked the door.

"What do you think he's doing down there?"

"Fighting demons."

Thumps sounded from downstairs joined with smashing glass.

"So your mum's a demon."

"So I've been told."

"To be honest I thought Brick would be the demon."

"I think we were all expecting him to be something else. Turns out he's just a dick."

Nothing sounded from downstairs.

There was a knock on the door.

"It's me Alec."

Grace went to open the door.

"Don't open that door."

"But it's Alec."

She opened the door and a gaunt face grinned at her.

"I'm not Alec."

Blackness chased Stephen and Grace.   

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