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Ethan started to feel the ground shake "The buildings under attack!" he said right before he noticed a spider like leg come out of Sam's head and the rest of the body did the same and started to break the glass so Ethan responded quickly and shut the blast shields and all of a sudden a huge darkness swept through everywhere and Ethan recognized the presence and then he noticed he was in a different area in a old ScaryInc. Military base used in the war and ... it was one favored by Jacob! Ethan then saw him it was Jacob but he was shrouded in a dark mist, a mist of pitch black... but when it spoke he said one thing and that was "my time to come back into the light is not yet for i must return to my people i do not know if this is the last time i see you alive Ethan" and Jacob evaporated into the pitch black Mist and then all of a sudden Ethan noticed he in the air and he can hear cannon fire ... hes in a military base fighting back the monsters "who the hell are you and how did you get here!" yelled a Military officer while pointing his Military Grade Photonic Gun a very deadly laser machine gun. "I'm Ethan i'm the CEO of ScaryInc." Ethan replied and then noticing someone looking like Jovan and Nooka and there shushing him like "shh were still infiltrating the U.S." Ethan replies to the military man pointing the gun at his head "how the fuck did i get in here?!?". "we don't know but what we do know is that you appeared here in a Pitch Black Mist" said a Black Guy in a very fancy suit... it was the president of the U.S.A Barack Obama "Obama you buy most of our weapons and here i am fucking around with the president of the U.S. when i just saw my dead best friend and he just gave me some Fucked up message while every one in ScaryTowers is probably fucking DEAD... just what the hell did i get myself into right here just just WHAT THE FUCK"

ScaryInc. The Fall of the Golden Age (Jacob Chronicles Book One)Where stories live. Discover now