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The two sides clash violently both sides spilling blood like never seen before "GOD DAMN IT WHAT THE FUCK HOW ARE THEY STILL ALIVE" Ethan screamed while beating the shit out of a Soldier, "Damn it when I leaped worlds they must have followed me!" Jacob said as they fought their way to the entrance of the cave. "Stop it you fools! we must not kill them for we have a common enemy that could destroy us all!" said the new monkey squad leader Handsome Jack "so you bounced in here with me didn't you." Jacob said while walking up to the New and approved monkey king "why yes i did bounce in this hideous realm to only find more blood shed that our war could have ever caused and while i like it that you and your barbaric scary inc are being slaughtered by these monsters but i want all that fun to my self as i rip out your throat and make you eat your own intestines Jacob! because that is only mercy compared to what you have done!." Handsome Jack said as he walked toward the entrance of the cave "Scary Inc. strikes at sunrise jack so get your forces ready for tonight we dine in hell!"

ScaryInc. The Fall of the Golden Age (Jacob Chronicles Book One)Where stories live. Discover now