The Betrayal

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As the sun rose so did the forces of the Temporary Allied Factions to stop Cthulhu from destroying the world they so desperately fight over, Handsome Jack starts deploying Resurrection Bots all around the burning City of Scary Inc. all of a sudden a big boom happened "the moon its gone" Ethan said in aw. "Your world is doomed i have won and now i can go back to sleep" Cthulhu roared as he was starting to lie down in the ocean. "Whats the purpose in destroying the moon?!?" Jacob said in curiosity "Well there's a certain somewhere i have to be and it was inside the moon so now that i have all the done with the next step in killing you off is going to be even more fun, Surrender now and you get to live if u don't surrender you'l be joining Jacob in eternal torment" Handsome Jack said as his forces surrounded us. "there must be millions of them!" hunter said as he started raising his hands in sign of surrender. "i wont let you do this jack." Jacob said as he slowly raised his .45 "How are you going to stop me without killing all of your friends?" Jack asked as he laughed with the horde of MonkeySquad soldiers. "By killing every last one of you I Will Be Back!" Jacob said as he jumped into a portal that came out of no where. "NO GET HIM!" every soldier started to fire at Jacobs position but he was already gone.

ScaryInc. The Fall of the Golden Age (Jacob Chronicles Book One)Where stories live. Discover now