The Ressurection

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As the battle rages on Ethan flies down to the battle only to see total chaos he saw his dead best friend fighting with Hunter beside him ScaryInc. soldier casualties every where and worst of all the final stage of The Resurrection of Cthulhu the Blood God all the souls of his victims started to enter the horrid creature. "The final stage is complete I AM REBORN!" roared Cthulhu "Time to die hu-" he was interrupted by the sight of Jacob "What have we here... you arn't  a human at all but then what are you." Cthulhu asked. "that may be true but i still get to kick your fucking ass Monster" boasted Jacob in a nervous way knowing his big secret is out what are his friends thinking right now that his big secret is out. Ethan brought a woman wearing a grey robe "That's him Katie that's your dead boyfriend." Jacob lunges out to attack the Blood God but fails as he is knocked back by a powerful blow from Cthulhu's back hand. Ethan orders all troops to retreat ScaryTown's final hope is the Video Game Heroes that saved every one before and now has to do it again but this time In more ScaryInc. Colored fashion. "WAIT I WANT TO FIGHT TO!!!" screamed Kyla "Don't forget about us" there they were CJ, Jovan, Josh, Ethan, Jacob, Katie, Austin, Hunter, and unfortunately Max, ready for the fight of there lives.

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