The End of the Line

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(This is a flash back from before everything got UGLY AS FUCK enjoy C:<)

"Jacob" said Ethan as he pulls out a .50 cal rifle "Yea?" said Jacob while he is hiding in a bush behind Ethan. "are we really going to do this?" asked Ethan as he zoomed in looking for Jacob. "Ethan .... look behind you bitch" said Jacob as he fired two shots into Ethan's leg with is custom made .45 "What the hell i watched you enter the first building how did you get behind me!" Ethan said while holding his leg in pain from the plastic bullets "not telling you" after saying that Jacob fires a final shot hitting Ethan in the Head ending the simulation "ow did you have to aim for the Head?" Ethan asked rubbing the middle of his forehead "I have to when a wounded enemy is down you shoot them in the head so they don't call backup"

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