Deck the halls ( literally)

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Aries lived an hour away from school so the drive wasn't all that long plus he allowed me to watch Sherlock Holmes. We arrived at his house at 5 pm. I haven't seen aunty held a and uncle Brent in at least 4 years because just like my parents they were constantly busy but unlike my parents they made effort to be home as much as possible. Aries parked his car in the carage and the instant the car doors opened his little twin siblings Andy and Angelina who are five ran into the carage.
"Aries, Aries ' they said happily in unison .
"Hi my little gremlins " he said lifting them up.
I stood in the carage looking at them they were adorable with big blue eyes and blond long hair.
"Is that aunty Cancer ?" Angelina asked her eyes widening.
"Yes" Aries answered
"Wow she's pretty" Angelina replied and I blushed.
Then both of them jumped down from Aries arms and ran to me and gave me hugs.
"Your my new favobite aunty" Angelina yelled clinging to my legs.
"No she is mine"! Andy said shooting his sister a glare and I laughed.
"It's ok guys I can be both of your favorite aunty now who wants candy."
Then the both screamed
"I want candy , I do , I do!" They exclaimed.
"Well" I said "help us carry in our bags" I said and they rushed to the drunk and I don't know how the dud it but they carried in all our bags.
"Well looks like your popular" Aries said putting an arm around me.
"Your just jealous " I teased sticking my tounge out at him.
Then we went inside . Aries lived in a Victorian style four story house. It was off white and had really beautiful landscaping . We walked pass the foyer which had all his trophies on display and then pass the large modern living room and pass the kitchen where the chef was cooking and into the entertainment room where his parents were.
"Oh Aries " they said giving him a hug.
Then aunt Helda looked at me.
"Cancer oh my look at how much you have grown , I haven't seen you in years you look beautiful " I blushed but was fed up of people saying how gorgeous I was.
"It's nice to see you to aunty " I replied giving her and uncle Brent a hug.
"That's my niece " uncle Brent said "make yourself at home anything you want it's yours."
I smiled and said thank you.
"Alright Cancer let me show you your room."
I nodded and followed Aries to my room.
It was large and pink( yay) with a queen sized mattress that had a silver comforter. The floors were dark and were wood . Their was a private bath suit.
"Make yourself at home " Aries said as I sat down on the bed.
"I'll try" I answered. " I just wish I could be home with my parents write now " I said a tear drop running down my face. He sat down next to me.
"Look cancer don't cry your parents are just being stupid workaholics "
"It's not that" I said " I just don't think they love me"
Aries wrapped me in his arms
"Huh you know what Cancer I'm gonna tell you something I have never said to anyone before not even My many girlfriends I love you ok your the best cousin anyone could ever have and if Taurus were here he would say that he loves you two."
I buried my head in his chest.
"Thanks cuz you always know what to say."
Please tell me what you think also my writers block is still here😭😭😭

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