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Ok another bonus with Leo . I chose Barbados cause it's my favorite Caribbean island next to Trinidad if course.
6 years later
"Ah this is the life" I said while sipping on a strawberry smoothie . I looked at the crystal clear waters of the ocean as it brushed against the white sand . I had traveled the world for 5 years and then decided to buy a beach house in Barbados to live. I married a rich husband and I was living the dream life. All day I sat back and relaxed as he worked and then on an evening we would cuddle up in bed and watch a movie. Sometimes when I am by myself I would sit and wonder about my friends. I knew that Cancer was now a celebrity and I think that Capricorn works with her I wasn't sure. I have no idea bout the other though. But I mostly dreamed about Capricorn. I missed him miserably but I had to move on. It was my choice , I mean I can't make a decision that hurt someone's feelings and then decide to go back on it. So every time  I thought about Capricorn I would drink a couple shots of vodka . Anyways did I regret traveling the world the answer is no it was an enjoyable experience . I couldn't ask for anything better. I saw places that I never thought I would see. I did things that I never thought I would do and I met a guy who was rich enough so that I wouldn't have to work a day in my life. So I was living the dream I wondered if the rest of my hands had this luxery. I doubted it very much.
Yes it was short but it was still good. I just can't concentrate right now my bro and sis making a lot of noise .

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