We get arrested

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Aries POV
I stood there terrified as the police handcuffed me. I had gotten caught. This would be my third arrest thus month. I sighed as I entered the police car. As Libra came in I shot her a death glare. She was going to get it later.
We made our way to the police station where we were placed in a holding cell. Apparently we would not be questioned until morning as the chief was not here. So I was stuck all night with these Neanderthals.

Libra's POV
I shivered as I was escorted into the holding cell. I have never gotten arrested in my entire life. Tears began to race down my face as I sat in the cell. I didn't think life could get any worse until Aries yelled at me .
"Wait Libra your crying!" He yelled anger bursting from His voice.
"If it's anyone to be crying it should be me. This is my third arrest this month. And coach said if I get arrested again I'm off the team and I can kiss my scholarship goodbye!!"
I started crying even more. I just wanted to have some fun and it seemed like a pretty fun thing to do. I should of just hung out with Cap as usual.
Sagittarius POV
I couldn't believe Gemini ratted on us. It was just so unlike her. She is usually so nice to me but I guess under ever diamond is a knife.
Thus chapter was crap. Sorry guys school is extremely hectic these days. Life is moving so fast and leaving me behind its really difficult to manage everything and my violin exams are soon and I'm not ready. Urgh but school ends next week and then It'll  be a whole lot of updates. If course I'd work on book two more cause thus book is technically finished but needs some re writing but yeah bye ppl. Ttylxox and uh 6.5k views thanks a million guys

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