Learning about Scorpio

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Pipers pov
My first month at zodiac high was splendid. I had made two new friends Cancer and Leo and also their was Scorpio. I didn't know what he was to me we kissed one morning but after that we were just normal . A lot of people tell me that he is a bad influence but I don't think so. I'm sure he wasn't a bad boy I knew it . I wanted him to tell me the truth but every time I tried to ask he shot me down. I was sitting down in my room on Friday night when I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was my roommate Aquarius but it was Scorpio. Every time I see him my heart skips a beat.
"Uh Piper " he said.
"Yes" I replied.
He stopped for a while but then he continued.
"Do you ah want to go out with me tomorrow night?"
I couldn't believe me ears Scorpio asked me out. He did he did!
"Yes!" I replied enthusiastically.
He smiled then left .
I jumped all over my bed then ran over to Cancer and Leo's room. I knocked like a crazy girl and Leo opened it.
"Hey pipes what's going on you look like if you just got visited by your fairy godmother ."
I ran in the room and yelled" Scorpio just asked me out".
Leo squealed and gave me a hug. Cancer just continued texting.
I kind of hated how she treated Scorpio sure he was mean to get sometimes but she had no right to be so mean either. Leo read my mind and spoke up.
"Um Cancer Piper and Scorpio are going in a date" she said. Cancer looked up from her phone.
"Oh that's good whatever " she replied and Leo frowned.
"Cancer omg you were happy two minutes ago"
Cancer sighed.
"That was until Gemini joined the homecoming planning committee she is not going to listen to a word I say."
"Oh" I said "I thought it was because I was going out with Scorpio ".
"No for that I don't really care If you want to date that perverted boy go right ahead because at the end of the day it's not my life it's yours"
I felt kind of hurt and Leo gave her a bad glare but Cancer turned away and went back to her phone.
Saturday night
It was seven thirty and I was dressed and waiting for Scorpio . I had in a red dress and black heels I left my hair the way it was and put on some makeup. I sat down eagerly awaiting Scorpio. Then he arrived. He looked sexy. He had in a black leather pants with a white muscle shirt and a black leather jacket. I was speechless for a while , I just kept starring at him with my eyes open. Until he broke the silence.
"So we should get going" he said holding his hand out for me.
"Yeah" I replied. We headed to Scorpio's sports car. Sometimes I wondered how he afforded it because he isn't all that rich. I entered the car and I saw a small picture in it. It was if a man and a woman a baby girl and a young boy. It was probably his family.
Scorpio started the car and immediately the retro station blasted. I heard a song called take on me.( this song is bae ok it is sooo awesome) Scorpio was dancing away as he speed down the streets with remarkable speed .
"So Scorpio " I said " where are we going?"
He sighed.
"Honestly I have no idea"
I began to laugh.
"Seriously" I said .
"Well yeah I mean their are no good restaurants in town and I'm to lazy to drive out if town so I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach I have a loaded picnic basket and all."
I looked down at my outfit it was way to dressy but I said yes. The drive to the beach was filled with some sought of tension but not a bad one it was like if our feelings for each other was having a war. It felt as if my heart was pounding through his solid walls of steel and begging for him to let me in. It felt as if he was willing to accept me but his heart wasn't ready. Something or someone had broken Scorpio's heart before and he was still heeling and I felt as if it was my duty to find out to help him and strangely enough to protect him. And that's how the ride to the beach went and also the date. We conversed but not a lot we did more starring than anything we were both hiding secrets one that we didn't want to let out but we were to afraid to lose the only pain we have not knowing weather it was safe with the other person. But that night on the way back Scorpio finally opened up.
Awesome right. I mean that last paragraph was so sweet and yes both if them are hiding a deep secret. One that will especially change the way you look at Scorpio forever . Adela out. Peace .✌️

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