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~One week later~
Samantha's POV
It's been a week and my body is healing. I can walk now and my bruises are fading. Harry and I are talking again but not that much. I could see he really regrets hitting me. I want to see Eleanor and Louis again but Harry always gets angry when I mention them so I dropped the subject two days ago. He has been going out more often and coming back drunk. Just now he's coming back from wherever he was. He keeps tripping on his own feet and saying random things. I laugh its really funny. I walk up to him and bring him upstairs. I lay him down and cover him.
"Your an idiot you know that?" I say while laughing at him. If he wasen't drunk I'll be afraid to say that to him but he's drunk he won't remember anything tommorow. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I grab the asprin bottle and bring it to the table next to the bed. I go downstairs and bring a glass of water. I put them next to him for when he wakes up. I go to other side and lay down. He turns to me and grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. I wait until he falls asleep to get out of his brace. But he won't budge and I pull and tug but he won't let go.
"Ah fuck it." I whisper and go to sleep.
Harry's POV
I wake up and I have a killer headache. I reach for the asprin and water that was on my nightstand. But as I do I feel something shuffle next to me. I look down and see Samantha sleeping close to me VERY close. I see my arm
around her and I realize I must have made her sleep so close to me. But I'm not complaining. I lay back down and bring her closer to me. She is laying to the right so her butt is facing my umm privite thingy(sorry but I just can't spell it without thinking about it and it just creeps me out.) I begin feeling it rise slighlty. I move trying to calm it. But as I move so does Sam. Her leg touches it and makes it rise higher. I get out of bed and move towards the bathroom.
"Harry?" a sleepy Sam says. I turn trying to hide my shaft.
"Are you okay?" She askes noticing my  fidgiting.
"Yes, just got to pee." I say trying to stop moving its just makes it worse.
"Oh, then go." She says waving me off. She gets up and walks outside. I sigh in relief. She turns.
"Don't think I didn't notice Harry. I just not saying anything about it."And with that she goes downstairs.
I shake my head. She is so like me in many ways that it sometimes bits me
in the butt.
I walk towards the bathroom to sort myself out.
Samantha's POV
This idiot thinking I won't see THAT. I want to bleach my eyes. I'm never confrotable talking about it. Everytime I heard something about it in school I'll be disgusted and try to get other information to use against the person. I shriver thinking about it. I walk into the kitchen and start making breakfast. Harry walks into the kitchen and leans against the wall. I bring the food to the table and sit to eat. He sits as well bit doesn't start eating.
"Is something wrong with the food?" I ask.
"No, just that I want to know what happen last night." He replies.
"What do you want to know?"
"Why were you sleeping so close to me?" He says.
I pick up my plate and put it in the sink. "You came home drunk and when I put you to bed you grabbed me and pulled me close to you. I tried getting out but you woudn't budge so I just slept." I say shrugging.
He nods and eats in silence. I walk outside and start to clean the room. I take a shower and change into shorts and a white tank top. I go downstairs and see Harry washing the dishes.
"I'm going to the backyard."
He nods. "Come back in an hour my friends are coming over."
"Is Eleanor coming?" I say eagerly.
He tenses up and nods. "All my friends girlfriends are coming."
I smile and run outside.
~an hour later~
I come back inside all sweaty from doing gymnastics. Harry is sitting on the couch drinking beer. I  shake my head and go upstairs. I take another shower and put on jeans with a black blouse. I go downstairs and hear noises. I walk to the living room and see three other people with girls sitting next them. I see Eleanor and run towards her and hug her. Louis is looking away while Harry is giving him glares.  El hugs back and stands up. The other  girls stand up too and runs towards me and hug. I just stand there not knowing what to do so I hug them back. Harry comes next to me and introduces me to his friends.
"Sam, this is Niall and his girlfriend Crystal. This is Liam and his girlfriend Sophie. And you already know Louis." He says a bit harshly at the end. The two other boys stare at me. I smile at them and they smile back. I turn to Harry and he is glaring at them. Is it national glare day or something why is he glaring at his friends? I turn to the girls.
"Lets go upstairs and leave the guys alone. I think they need to talk." I say while leaving the room. The girls follow.
In the room. I sit on the bed and El does as well and the other girls drag chairs and sit next to us.
"Soo." The girl named Crystal says.
"I'm hungry." I say.
"OMG, so am I!" Crystal says.
"Yes, bitch we are totally besties." I say grabbing her arm leading her downstairs to the kitchen. We hear the boys yelling and I roll my eyes. I will deal with it later. We get to the kitchen and open a cabnit. I grab the oreos.
"Go upstairs with this I will deal with the boys." I tell Crystal.
She nods running upstairs with the oreos. I walk into the living room and see something that makes me yell.

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