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Louis's POV
As Samantha left the kitchen she turned and waved at us. I waved back and was left thinking about her. You could see under her bruises and marks that she had a beautiful face and was athletic. When she caught El showing that I was hers she laughed and her laugh was angelic. I knew she was Harry's and I had El but I couldn't feel but a bit of something for her. I think Harry noticed because when he came back he slammed me against the wall.
"You know very damn well she's mine why were you looking at her like that?!" He screams in my face. I look away.
"I just..." I couldn't come up with anything.
El looks confused at the whole situation. Harry turns at her and smiles.
"Let's tell your girlfriend what you were doing shall we?" Harry says with an evil grin.
El grow more confused.
"Your little boyfriend here was checking out.. my Sam." He says. I could tell he wanted to say girlfriend.
Eleanor turns to me. "Is that true?" She says tears swelling in her eyes. I look away ashame. She starts to cry. Harry lets me down. He smirks and leaves the room. He really is a cold-harded basterd. I walk towards Eleanor. She sees me and trys pushing me away. I hold her tighter.
"Why?" She sobs.
"I just thought she was really attractive." I start to get confusesd all I did was check her out I didn't cheat on El.
Sh stops crying.
"I'm crying because I was the one who thought she was checking you out but really you were. I made a new friend but I messed it up. I noticed when she was angry with me when I acussed her of checking you out." She says.
"I'm sorry, it was just a I wasen't thinking, I forgot I had you when I saw her but trust me it won't happen again."
She sniffles." You promise?"
"I promise."
"You got to admit that under those bruises she is really pretty I don't know why Harry hurt her so bad." El says.
I nod and kiss El.
"Lets go home."
We walk back to the car hand in hand.

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