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{Finn POV}







~After School~

"Globit, globit, globit, GLOBIT!!! He's such a fucking asshole. Just because I did that thing doesn't mean he has to be a fucking Jackass!!" I yelled irritated. "Cool ya tits down, he's just an ass. There will be more dipshits later on in life. " Jake says rolling his eyes, I climbed down the ladder of our room, then climbed down the other ladder of the dinning room. I raced out the door "FUCK YOU MARSHALL JACKASS LEE" I yelled, "oh shit what have I done" I muttered. Since Marshall went to Ooo and moved in, more vampires came. I think they pretty much herd it, cause I hear wind/wings flapping. "Fuck my life" I mumbled, I quickly shut the door and locked all the locks. And I put the barrier around the whole house, that is everything prof. I walked out of the door to see Marshall in front of all of them. There was tiny little holes on the barrier so we can breathe, not even an ant can fit. "Why the fuck? Finn why are you doing this? It's like I ruined you're life" Marshall said clueless. " I'm the laughing stalk at school, because of you I can't even last a day in the hell hole" I answer bluntly, "it's not like I have intentions on doing it" he replied. "You don't?" I asked a little dumbfounded, " ofc I had the intentions of doing it I'm not as stupid as you." He sneered with a nasty little smirk. Stupid, that hurt more than ever. I know he called me a faggot and idiot but stupid feel 1,00,000 more layers of hurt. I feel tears well up my eyes, "watcha' gonna say... Oh wow need you're little dog to protect you. You cunt" he sneers. I run out of the barrier (you can get out of the inside), this little secret I can't tell anyone is I can run faster than a cheetah. Once I run its just fast air right behind. I landed in the woods, it was the one part of Ooo that was quite beautiful. I was sitting on a broken tree, that was probably more broken than I was. I just cried their.

"Sweet little love.

That I carry with joy.

You broke my heart,

Now it's all shattered,

With pieces of him.

My memory,

Will continue to flow,

Of him tonight.

It was just,

All fun

And games.

Until I fell hard,

For love.

Sweet little love.

That I love with joy."

(My crappy song. Copyrights all rights reserved for DrugsSexLoveIsMyLife)

I sang, tears blocking my vision. " so this is where you are?" He said more like a question, 'mmhmm' I hummed with agreement.


Who is this person? Thanks for wanting me to update. 😫 I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Thanks for sasukesgirl writing a comment saying she wanted me to update. I kept my promise and made it up to this week.

Fucked Up Cinderella Story (Marshall Lee x Finn fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now