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Finn's POV

I headed to school, it's a good thing the first thing I had this morning was free period.

A few of my friends were talking to me before the bell rang. We talked about how much of a douche Marshall was. I was talking to my best friend Flame Princess & Princess Bubblegum who was one of the popular kids.

Bubblegum approached me cause she thought it was fun to talk to new people. She & Marshall used to date, but it ended from a huge fight. I told them every thing I hate about Marshall, but half of it was a complete lie.

Me & Marshall stopped talking since our last in counter a month ago. Marshall kept bullying me, same old shit still happens. But today was different bitches were Moore bitchy, douches are more like jackasses.

When I was heading to my locker I got pushed, tripped, name called, ect. When I got to my locker 'EMO FAGGOT' was spray painted on my locker. Tears prickled my eyes as I opened my lock to see a bunch of notes saying I should kill myself.

I should be used to it by now, but one struck me. It was attached to a voodoo doll, the voodoo doll looked just like me. It had pins all over it, the note says 'I will never fucking love you, you emo little faggot. It would be the last thing I would do you cunt. Have fun dieing - Marshall Lee ❤'. That hurt like a thousand pins were on my body.

My throat felt dry, like someone was strangling me. I kept on hyperventilating, my body felt numb.

Before I knew it blackness was taking over my body. & Marshall was whispering to me " you should die already", before punching me. I fell in complete darkness. Hoping myself to just die in a coma.....


Hey, so this chapter is done. See ya later!!!!

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