I:Rufina Rosales

917 39 11

I stared at the stack of papers on my desk. The only voice in my head is screaming 'stress!'. I never noticed that a certain red head kept blabbering about: "She will get wrinkles and such."

"Hana! Are you listening!?"

"Does my face look like I'm listening?" I said while pointing at my face which held boredom and a look that says I-Don't-Give-A-Single-Fuck.

She was about to speak when a familiar middle aged man barged looking haggard as usual.

"Hana and Ivory! Pack both of your shits and go to the airport we'll be sending you the details of both of your flight." He yelled as he ran towards his computer desk.

"Gee! Well that's a nice greeting that we were looking foward to the moment you stepped in here. Yo could have atleast said Good Evening!" I said the first line sarcastically.

"I'm serious vampires are killing people in everywhere Japan, China, Greenland, Iceland? I wonder why vikings decided to switch the names... and Africa! I mean how can they even survivw there it's super hot! And they kept on spreading!"

"You don't say. That's why our bloodline ancestors or the eita kept on saying that the 'aswang' raise are spreading."

"Those creatures don't even exist but hot vampires do!" Ivory joined in. I rolled my eyes at her phrase about vampires. Naive... So Clueless..

A few hours of bickering we were forced to be dissmised by the old ma- I mean fath- ehem! I can't even say that I'm blood related to him.

I was trudging back to my dorm. Sounds of clicking heels echoed throughout the plain white hallways.

I've always researched about those well known mosquitoes. What were they're names again?

'Oh! I remember!' I snapped my fingers. Shu, Reiji, Raito, Kanato, Ayato and Subaru. The six bastard who killed 400 brats- I mean teenage ladies in a span of 11 years.

And another 200 for the adopted ones... Ruki, Cow (Did I say it right?), Yuma and Azusa...

That makes it 600 hundred brats plus the death of 800 men and women because of those two powerful bastards 1, 400 in total...

I rubbed my temples as I finally spotted the door I was looking for. I swiped the card into the card-swipe-thingy and bam! It opens!

I entered the white vanity of my room. It's quite plain to be honest. I really need to use some modernization when I come back . My pocket vibrated as I took my phone out.

To:Hana Santos
From:Greg Filer
Topic:Flight Details

Oras(Time): 12:30
Airplane: 04070800112
Just show them your ID and your in.

sent a 'kay' and grabbed my leather suitcase and started to pack my clothes. I didn't have much clothing so my bag weights like a feather.

I probably should think of a disguise, right now. What if I'm mute... That's a good idea. I grabbed my short blue haired wig and some black contacts and viola!~

From this time on I will be named as Rufina Rosales. I grabbed my computer and printed fake flyers and documents for extra purposes.

I grabbed my sneakers and my headphones and started trudging towards the door. I don't look like a hunter just a normal teenager.

I grabbed my card as I swiped it making it open by itself. I went out as I saw Ivory looking differently. I muttered a 'sup' as she squealed.

"OMG can I have your number?"

She must think I'm a boy... Well so much for the disguise.

"Ivory it's me Hana..." I said as she turned bright red but turned into her infamous smirk.

"Wow I almost thought I can bang you-" I cut her off with my glare as she shut up.

"Anyway when we get to Japan I am now a mute teen who goes by the name of Rufina Rosales."

"Awh! Such a cute name but why do you want to be mute?"

"Well it's easier and it will not cause much suspicion." I explained.

"Well okay! Then I'm gonna be Alene Rodriguez and I play the one who is happy-go-lucky!" She shrieked.

Meh! It suits her...

"Anyway it's time to go." I look at the watch that says 11:25"


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