IV:Mute Freak

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She yelled near my ear as I slapped her face due to shock. I stared at her her with wide eyes as I saw a red handprint on her face.


"Sorry..." I muttered guiltily as I stood up.

"You owe me something!" She yelled in between her gritted teeth while carresing the bruise.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I waved my hand dissmisively as she got an irk mark on her forehead.

I looked at the wooden grandfather clock as it striked at 6.

I took a hot shower as I grabbed my normal clothes which was a black jacket and a pair of jeans and neon green Nike shoes that glows in the dark.

I grabbed my empty bagpack and inserted my phone as I inserted the plug that connects to the earphone.

I chose the song 'tadhana' meaning Fate though not a big fan of love songs but it caught my interest.

As soon as it started playing I savored the calm and awesome music.

"Oh yeah by the way where's your car?" She asked as I stopped in my tracks and a murderous gaze cast onto my face.

"A certain pee-head mosquito stole it." I grumbled as she started laughing uncontrolably at my mistake. I growled at her as I stomped towards her car.


I folded my arms as she started driving. We stopped at Seru Highschool. This is it. I made sure my weapons were intact and visible to the naked eye.

It will only cause a huge commotion if a student was walking around with 50 metal knives all over my body.

I knocked on the specific office as I passed on the fake flyers to them. The woman who reminds me of the female teacher in the anime Prison School; threw our schedules rather rudely at us.

(A\N: Prison School is such a good anime. I suggest you guys watch it ;))

"Who are those two?"

"The small one is quite cute, isn't she."

"The other one looks like a giant." A student mutter as Ivory snapped.

"Who are you calling giant!?" She yelled as the student squeaked and ran away. She was about to run after him as I restrained her for doing that by tugging her shirt and pointed at her class.

"Oh! Thank you, Ha-Rufina-chan!"

I grabbed my whiteboard and marker and scribbled 'No Problem' and walked away to my class.

Ivory's a junior year while I'm stuck at sophomore. Great... In the Philippines I should already be in college despite my age.

I sighed as I spotted my class A-2. I entered it as I spotted 3 mosquito targets. Ayato-the red-head, Kanato-the purple-head, Laito-the fedora wearing bastard.

I observed them. Kanato was talking to an inanimate object, Ayato was throwing papers and insulting his seatmates and Laito was flirting or should I say doing sexual activities to a random slut.

"Are you the new student?" The female teacher said as I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded. "Class! We have a new student." She pushed me foward as I was done scribbling my intoduction; I faced it at them.

'Hi... I am Rufina Rosales, age 16 and I'm from Manila, Phillippines.'

"Why can't you talk?" The teacher asked.

'I'm mute'

She nodded in understanding and pity crossed all over her face.

"So the student is mute so she can't talk. Be nice to her I don't want any news about bullying her. Now Miss Rosales you will seat next to Ayato." She pointed at the mosquito as he smirked.

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I mentally screamed. Girls were giving me death glares as I ignored it.

Well look on the good side. It's one step in killing them.

"Oi! Listen to ore-sama while he's talking to you!" My eye twitched in annoyance. Oh God! Please kill me!!!

I tried to concentrate on putting down notes as he ramble on how great he is. Aggorant bastard...


"Hey Mute Freak!" A brat with clown make up slammed her wrinkly hand on my table. I didn't flinch as I raised an eyebrow at her; my chin resting on my palm.

"Don't you dare go anywhere near Ayato-sama." She shrieked as I rolled my eyes at her and put on an emotionless face.

"If you go anywhere near the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers you'll regret it."

Again I rolled my eyes once more as she flipped her hair haughtily as the dogs repeated her action.

Well that's nice a concieted and egoistical enemy, an irritating nickname and a bastard for a seatmate.

Isn't it such a good day for my first day of classes. I sweatdropped.

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