Step 7: Call your Contacts

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The feel of having glasses on my face was always one to reassure me and make me feel safe in some weird twisted way. I have worn them since I was 4 years old. And I don't intend on getting rid of them now.

Ludmilla: I spy with my little, beautiful eye something that has four eyes

Naty: Is it a mutant monster?

Ludmilla: No, but your very close

Naty: Wait, I know it's Violetta

Ludmilla : ding ding ding we have a winner

As an impulse,  I push my glasses further up my nose, seeking the well known comfort. I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Ludmilla: Oops

And the next thing you know, she's barging into me, knocking my glasses off my face.

Ludmilla: I am soooooooooo sorry

And she takes a step back PURPOSELY crushing my glasses. A mischievous grin lurking on her evil, little face.  

Naty: Looks like you won't be seeing much for while, eh four eyes?

Ludmilla: Aww don't cry, it makes your face even more wrinkled than usual

I fold my arms together and storm away in my own bubble of anger. Well, let us just say that the comfort of wearing glasses, has officially been pulverized to a pulp.

Lesson Learnt: The only contacts a girl needs are eye contacts 

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