Step 3: Faithful Friends

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I realized that one of the things that makes Ludmila seem so threatening, would be that she has people to back her up if something goes wrong, which happens quite often, and support her on her quest to torment me. Or in other words, she has "friends". Don't get me wrong, I do have friends but I haven't seen them lately as I have been so busy with this plan to become chic.

I walk into the studio and attempt to walk to class without drawing too much attention to myself.

Ludmilla: Well well well, look at who the cat dragged in

Naty: It's Violetta

I honestly don't understand why Naty is joining in with Ludmilla's taunting. When she isn't there, Naty is actually a really nice person. I guess you could class her under unfaithful friends.

Ludmilla: And look she's alone once again whereas I have heaps of people that love and adore me

Leon: Make that just one. I don't want to be apart of your childish games.

And he walks off

Ludmilla: Whatever Lion. We still have you out numbered.

Naty and Ludmilla start to close in on me walk ever so slowly as I shrink back feeling as though I'm getting smaller the closer they get to me.

I feel a warm friendly hand on my shoulder and look back to see that Francesca and Camilla have come to my rescue.

Fran: Looks the only one outnumbered is you Ludmilla

Camilla: Once a tarantula always a tarantula

Ludmilla: Whatever

Naty: Your just jealous that you will never be as amazing as Ludmilla

Francesca: I didn't know that it was opposite day today

Ludmilla: When will you get it in your head that I'm the Queen and rule all over you talent less people

Camilla: When you get it in your head that you haven't got a talented bone in your body

Ludmilla: What do you mean? I'm extraordinary

Francesca: Yeah, EXTRA ordinary

Ludmilla: I don't need this, Ludmilla's out

Naty : Nata too

And she ran after Ludmilla like a lost puppy.

Me:Thank you so much guys, I don't know what I would do without you

Fran: Group hug

Now these girls are what I call faithful friends.

Lesson learnt: The definition of the best friends ever is: Camilla and Francesca

Violetta: Geek to ChicWhere stories live. Discover now