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Gaby's pov

"Oh god!" I say.

"Jeez, Gaby! Be quiet!" Nash exclaims.

"Shut up, Nash! I wasn't even that loud." I snap getting up to sit next to Shawn.

"What's wrong, babe?" Shawn asks me.

"I forgot to tell my mom about this whole thing. She probably called the police and there's probably an amber alert for me." I groan rolling my eyes.

"Just call her." Shawn states.

"Fine, but if the police answer I'm going to say I told you, so." I chuckle pulling out my gold iPhone 5s.

"Hello?" I brace myself for the amount of yelling in my ear or for the police to answer my phone call.

"Gabriella Jones?" Someone answer my phone call within seconds most likely being the police.

"Yes?" I groan lightly.

"It is very important that you tell me where you are located right now," the officer says.

"I'm fine, thanks. Please put my mother on the phone." I say annoyingly.

"Where are you, Gaby?! I went to pick you up and you were never there! Gaby?! Comeback home right now or your grounded. Answer me right now, young lady!" She yells.

"Mom! I'm fine! I fainted at the concert and Shawn apparently saw me and helped me backstage.  Then he made stay with him that night. Apparently I fell getting out of the shower the next morning. Shawn helped me get to the hospital and I got out yesterday. And now we're here. I'm not going back home, mom! I have a boyfriend and other friends here." I say as she sends me a rude mhm as if I were lying.

"Oh yeah you have a grandson, now." I grunt hanging up on her.

"Stupid parent." I mutter under my breath.

"Gaby? Is everything okay? You're crying." Shawn says wrapping his arms around me as I touch my cheeks and noticed I was crying.

"No. My mom is a horrible parent. I hate her. She wants me back home." I sob into Shawn's chest.

"Are you going back?" Shawn asks quietly as if he didn't want me to leave.

"I would never leave you and Luke." I say to him then kissing his cheek.

"Good. I don't want my princess to leave." Shawn bends down a little to kiss my forehead.


"I don't have to call you that. I can call baby girl if you want me to." Shawn explains.

"Princess, baby girl, Gaby, and cupcake. You can call me whatever, Shawny." I giggle as wipes my tears with his thumb.

"Whiiiiiped!" Hayes yells.

"I don't think you should be yelling that." I laugh. "You're very whipped yourself." Everyone says burn and oohs.

"Plus Hayes you've been whipped for about a year." Shawn chuckles.

"Burn." Nash laughs lightly smacking Hayes' face.

"Stop hitting me." Hayes growls beginning to tackle Nash to the ground.

This went on for about twenty minutes until Nash had scars on his back and Hayes had a five star on his back and Luke was accidentally kicked by both Nash and Hayes in the gut. Cameron was helping Nash, Aaliyah was helping Hayes and Shawn and I were trying to get Luke to stop crying.

"Luke does your chest hurt?" I ask as he nods bawling his eyes out.

"Shawn, I think he broke a rib. He's having the same symptoms as my brother did when he broke his right rib cage playing football and this happened to me when I was helping him practice." I say as Shawn runs over to his phone and starts crying while on the phone with 911.

"Guys," I start as everyone on the bus looks at me. "Luke probably broke a bone in his rib cage."

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," Hayes says with a guilty look on his face.

"Me too! I feel really bad. This is all our fault, Hayes." Nash says quietly and sadly.

"Guys, he's going to be fine. I've gone through this. He's strong. You've just got to go though it. It's not your fault. Shawn and I should've been watching him." I reassure them going back to Luke who was laying down in Cameron's bunk that was on the bottom.

"Luke, baby. Some people are going to be on the bus, their just here to help you, okay?" I ask quietly running my hand through his hair softly.

"O-okay mommy. Mommy it hurts," Luke whines as tears begins falling down his face.

"I know baby, a few more minutes they'll be here. Don't move baby." I kiss his forehead lightly.

A few minutes later the paramedics came and checked Luke out.

"Hi, buddy I'm
Xavier, how are you doing?" The paramedic asks Luke kneeling down to be able to see Luke from down low.

"It hurts." He says barely audible.

"Okay buddy, I'm just going to use this okay?" He says taking a stethoscope out as Luke nods. I'm

"Breathe in," Luke does as said multiple times.

"He's got a punctured lung and he's broken a rib or two." The paramedic was now rushing as Luke began wheezing like he couldn't breathe.

"David! Get the stretcher! We need to get him to the hospital now!" Xavier yells while David came in with the stretcher.

"Shawn," I cry quietly as he pulls me into a hug.

"Parents of Luke need to come with us in the ambulance." Xavier says as Shawn and I get in the ambulance with Luke.

David was driving the ambulance and Xavier was helping Luke.

"Can I cut his shirt?" He asks as we nod.

He cuts Lucas' black shirt and hooks some stuff onto his chest. I notice Luke is still breathing unevenly.

"He's not breathing well," I say to Xavier as he nods putting a breathing mask on his face covering his nose and his mouth.

"We'll be at the hospital in less than five minutes, Mr. and Mrs.Mendes." Xavier says as we nod.

I was still crying and Shawn was crying also but not as bad as me. Shawn was trying to calm me down but it wasn't working. My son, our son might die.

Two hours later

By now everyone was here waiting in the waiting room of the children's hospital or Hasbro. Luke was in surgery apparently for over an hour.

"Lucas Mendes?" Doctor Williams says as everyone stands up. "Parents?"

"Right h-here." I croak as me and Shawn go up to him.

"Lucas is doing alright. He's resting right now. But he broke two ribs and we fixed his punctured lung. But he will has to be staying here for a few days. He will be very sore from the surgery." The doctor says.

"When can we see him?" Shawn questions the doctor.

"In about half an hour. We are still doing some tests." He says. "Only for allergies to any food or medication or asthma."

"Oh alright," I sighed sadly.

"Come on, princess." Shawn says pulling me back to the waiting room.

"Shawn, no I can't leave my son all alone." I say loosening his grip on my waist.

"He's not alone, baby. He's with dependable people." Shawn explains wrapping his arms around me again.

"But I don't want to leave him alone." I whimper quietly.

"Don't cry, baby. We have to stay strong for Luke. If he's staying strong we stay need to stay strong for him." He explains as I nod.

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