chapter 12: Disappoint

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Kian's POV:

I roll my eyes and turn my phone off. Amber won't leave me the fuck alone. What part of leave me the fuck alone does she not understand?

"Kailynn!" Jessie yells from down stairs as the front door slams. They must be home.

I sit up in my bed. I wander what Kai did now. Who fucking knows with Jessie.

"Don't talk to me like im a child." Kai's voice is calm.

"Then stop acting like one!" Jessie yells at her. "Just take my advice and go." Go? Go where.

"I don't need to talk to anyone." I can tell just by the sound of her voice she is trying to contain her anger.

Jessie laughs."Yes you do Kai. You blow up on people for the little things. Your going to completely brake down"

Theres a large shattering noise. "God Damn It No the fuck I don't Jessie! I blow up because people don't know when to leave something the fuck alone. Leave me be. Let me handle my problems the way I handle them. And how do you know if im not already talking to someone? Does it have to be a fucking psychiatrist? Why can't it be someone who actually comforts me and doesn't just put me on fucking pills. "

"Because you won't talk to me." Jessie sobs as Kai scoffs.

"Just because I dont tall to you, does not mean I don't talk to someone else"

Who is she talking about?Is it Cora? Donie? Dylan is to young. Maybe it's me. She sure as hell doesn't tell me every little thing but she talks to me.Well more then she used to.

Jessie starts to say something else but I can't make out what it is because of the loud stomping coming up the stairs.

I debate on wether to go talk to her or to wait and see if she comes to me . She probably won't considering how fucking stubborn she is , but it is getting late and she comes in here to sleep every night anyway.

I decide to just let her go. Even though the idea of her in her room alone only with her thoughts, surpressing her anger, still doesn't sit with me.

A light knock at my door causes me to swing my feet over the side of the bed.

"Hey" Kai walks in wearing a white hoodie and black shorts. Her eyes are dark with anger , her face is flushed with confusion, and her hair is frizzy and stressful but in an adorable way.

"Hey" I gesture for her to come to me as I sit back against the headboard.

She climbs onto the bed, sitting criss cross in between my legs. Playing with her fingers in her lap, her head hangs low.

"What is it?" I replace one of her hands with mine, her fingers tracing mine.

She shifts uncomfortably. "Jessie wants me to see a psychiatrist or a shrink again.I dont know " she shrugs.

"Why?" I bring her hand up to my mouth, lightly kissing it, trying to get her to look at me.

"You know why. I can't go one day without blowing up on someone." I think carefully before I speak, making sure I say the right thing.

"If you don't want to go talk to someone then dont." I intertwine my fingers with hers.

"I don't ." She shakes her head."It didn't help me the first time."

She looks up at me finally. "We had an older sister named Feather. She was in the car with my parents when they got hit."

I lean back, confused and trying to comprehend what the hell she just told me.

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