Chapter Three

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Time Skip: Three Earth Years, Three Hundred Chaos Years

Percy Jackson's Point of View:

"Percy?" a weak frail voice called out to her child.

"Yes Mom?" I replied, my voice hoarse from crying.

"It's time."

That got me up, "What do you mean? No no no, you're fine. Not now. Not ever please," the tears started again.

Chaos has been frail and weak for months, for she was fading after millions of millennia and since she chose me to be her heir, I got all the responsibility. Her once vantablack hair, now a grey that matched Annabeth's eyes. Her color changing eyes changed to a deep royal blue from her, uh, condition.

"Perseus, my little hero. Please promise me a few things," she asks as her form starts to become more ghostly.

"Anything," I respond.

Her cough fills the room for a moment before she speaks, my hand holding hers, "First keep being you, don't go into a depression or anything like that, " she playfully glares at me before continuing after I nod, "Second keep my Earth, my favorite planet, safe from massive harm. Lastly, it's not really a promise but, you have a mission to Earth in a year, so go get your girl."

I was ecstatic that I could finally go to Earth after another year. I've been gone from there for 5 years now and I've forgiven everyone. After you leave borders or disappear everyone assumes you're dead, especially a powerful demigod from the Big Three, like I was.

"I promise, Chaos. I will remember you forever and make sure everyone else does as well," I promise her and the smile she gives lights up the room before she closes her eyes and whispers two words,

"Thank you."

Her form becomes a ghost and vanishes to the Land of the Faded, where she can live with the other faded. A few tears slipped through my closed eyes before I finally opened them. Chaos had informed me of everything I needed to know and what I had to do when she faded, I listened because I want to make her proud. And not destroy the universe.

There, above where her body laid, was a black orb that pulsed with growing sea green. I reached out for it and my fingers skimmed it. Once contact was made, it slowly seeped into my fingers with a slight burning sensation. Once it was done, I felt power like I've never felt before. All of Chaos' power now was inside of him.

He was now Chaos.


On Olympus:


The Gods sat in their thrones arguing as usual before a massive blast of power filled the air before diminishing. Confused, the Gods looked towards Athena hoping for an answer.

She sighed before saying, "There has been a change of power, someone who is higher than us in power has faded and passed the power on."

The God's eyes all widened as they pondered who faded and who got the power.

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