Chapter 27

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"Can someone please tell me how we know the Princess?" Lucy asked, as she sat down with the others on the train to Crocus.

"It's a long story," Gray warned.

"We've got a long time," Lucy smiled as the train started to move.

"Ugh..." Natsu groaned.

Lucy reached out to touch his arm. "Hey, it's alright."

Natsu's reply was to groan again, and fall slowly sideways until his head was resting in her lap. Lucy, now that she'd got to know him better, was far more comfortable with this arrangement than last time they'd taken the train together, but she still felt her cheeks heating up.

Erza and Gray, across the carriage, shared a knowing look as they watched Lucy absentmindedly play with Natsu's hair. Happy, sat between the two, was rather more vocal about his thoughts.

"They llllllike each other!" He crowed.

"Don't roll your tongue!" Lucy snapped, flushing a deeper shade of red.

Erza decided to intervene at that point with the story of how the Fairy Tail guild had come to be acquainted with Princess Hisui and her father. Lucy listened raptly, as Erza went into detail about the Grand Magic Games, especially when Natsu or herself were mentioned. She mostly stayed silent, absorbing everything she should remember but couldn't, only interrupting a handful of times. The first was a shocked exclamation that she be included in the team. After all, she wasn't nearly as powerful as Natsu, Gray and Erza. The second was a wry comment that it seemed the golden keys had been involved in all manner of world-changing plans. The third was to express disbelief at having not one, but seven, dragons appear out of the portal.

Erza, it seemed, was very much enjoying telling the story, making it as dramatic as possible for Lucy's enjoyment, whilst still keeping it truthful. The pair being as wrapped up in the story as they were, and Natsu and Happy both sleeping, it was only because Gray was still paying attention to their surroundings that they managed to get off at the right station.

"Honestly," Gray shook his head. "What am I going to do with you all?"

Natsu groaned, Happy offered him a fish and Erza slapped him upside the head, while Lucy watched and giggled.

"We ought to get going," she pointed out. "We want to return as soon as we can, and it's already quite late."

"Let's go!" Erza led the way into the city.

"Wow!" Lucy exclaimed. "It's beautiful! Look at all the flowers!"

She didn't notice she'd been unconsciously straggling so as to prolong her time surrounded by the beautiful blossoms until Natsu caught hold of her hand.

"Come on, Luce, you'll fall behind!" He grinned, tugging her along.

"I..." Lucy breathed, a little dazed by the carefree grin he shot her.

Natsu seemed not to hear her, as he simply continued tugging her along.

"Oi, hurry up, lovebirds!" Gray called, from quite a distance ahead, Lucy noted a little guiltily.

Then she realised what Gray had actually said, and her mouth dropped open.

"What did you call me, Ice Princess?" Natsu yelled angrily.

"You heard me, Flame Brain!" Gray called back, enjoying taunting him.

"You just wait til I catch up, Stripper!" Natsu replied, flames starting to spark round his clenched fist.

Gray merely laughed as Lucy wondered what exactly Natsu was planning to do, and whether it involved anyone getting hurt. Funnily enough, Natsu's plan did involve a fiery fist to Gray's face, but Erza, predicting this, quickly put a stop to it.

"We're here now." She told them, pulling open a set of ornate golden gates. "You can't destroy anything here, and that means no fighting."

"Hai." Gray and Natsu both answered, glaring at each other out of the corners of their eyes.

Lucy giggled again and turned to Happy.

"Are they always like this?" She asked the Exceed.

"Normally they're worse," Happy sniggered.

"Don't they get tired of it?" Lucy probed curiously.

"They don't get tired of anything. Fish?" Happy offered.

"No, thank you," Lucy refused the offer.

Happy shrugged; that meant more for him. They walked for a few more minutes. Lucy, lost in her own thoughts, was brought back to reality painfully by Erza's loud knocking. It was then she became aware of a headache pounding in her forehead. Wincing, she rubbed at it, which didn't do much, but there was nothing else she could do right now except follow the others into the main entrance hall of the palace.

Meanwhile, Mirajane stared with baited breath as a figure slowly clarified in the lachryma.

"Makarov." The voice crackled slightly as the connection wavered. "Well, well, well. What a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure."

Despite the pleasant smile and neutral phrasing, the tone of the figure was one of utmost indifference, enough to send chills down Mirajane's spine. Add that to the fact that even though the image in the lachryma had settled, she still couldn't see the face of the figure due to the big black hood he - at least, Mirajane assumed from the voice it was a man - had pulled up, shrouding his features in black shadows, and the figure was downright creepy. And Mirajane did not get scared easily. She wrapped her arms around herself as the exchange continued.

"Stop messing around, Leiko." Makarov reprimanded. "I need information."

Leiko shifted. Makarov had seemingly sparked his interest.

"Does the name Shin Uchu mean anything to you?" Makarov asked.

Mirajane opened her mouth to protest, sure that they ought to keep quiet regarding the guild's problems with Shin Uchu, but Makarov signalled her to be silent.

"Watching your back, I see, Makarov. You've grown cautious. Who's the lady." Leiko spoke.

Mirajane shivered again. To all intents and purposes, it was a normal conversation, but Leiko's tone never changed. He spoke in a monotone, so that it was almost impossible to distinguish between questions and statements.

"Never you mind, Leiko. I'll ask again; does the name Shin Uc-" Makarov was cut off by Leiko.

"No need to repeat yourself." Leiko leant back again. "I know what you said. It'll cost you."

"Name the price." Makarov replied curtly.

Mirajane made out a movement under Leiko's black hood that seemed to her very like his lips had just stretched into a dangerous grin. She took another step back, deciding that she didn't at all like what the master was doing.

Ooh, some more mystery! So who is this Leiko? And why has the master chosen now to contact him? And why Leiko over the council? And what will this 'price' be? Such cliffhanger! XD

Anyway, gomenasai for the really messed up update days. I've had various times with no internet, and a couple of hard times, in which explanation wise I'm going to briefly mention exam results and boys an leave it at that.

Please COMMENT and tell me what you think! :)


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