Chapter 5

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"Well, it's decided." Lucy told herself. "I'm going to go and visit the Heartfilia Mansion."

She smiled, pleased that she'd come to a decision. Then she frowned.

"But where will I get the jewels for a train ticket? And clothes?" She asked herself. "I can't ask anyone from the guild, they'd get suspicious."

Then she sighed.

"And now, I'm talking to myself. Great." Lucy sighed.

"Hi, Lu-chan!" The door opened, revealing a smiling Levy carry a stack of books.

"Hi, Levy-san, I mean, Levy-chan," Lucy hastily corrected herself. "Why do you have all those books?"

"Research," Levy replied happily. "And you're going to help. This is what we've got."

She handed Lucy a piece of paper with the words 'Tosho Sekai', 'Sosa', 'Soseki', 'Kenji' and 'SunSphere' written on it.

"SunSphere?" Lucy read aloud. "What's that?" Thinking of the word, she felt a faint pain in her scalp, as if recollecting the memory of someone pulling her hair. But why would the word SunSphere be connected with something like that?

"No idea. That's why we're researching." Levy replied.

"Well, I can definitely help you with some of it, even without the books," Lucy told her.

"Go on, then," Levy prompted.

"Well, Sosa, Soseki and Kenji are all names." Lucy started.

"That we knew," Levy remarked.

"And the Tosho Sekai is an library in Buddleia." Lucy continued.

"Now that, we didn't know." Levy responded. "That could be very useful indeed. Arigato, Lu-chan."

"No problem," Lucy replied. "The SunSphere, though, I haven't a clue about."

"We'll figure it out." Levy said confidently. "Let's just hope Natsu doesn't destroy half of Buddleia when we visit this Tosho Sekai." She winked at Lucy.

"Does he destroy things a lot, then?" Lucy asked.

"You really have forgotten everything, haven't you?" Levy stared at her. "I would've thought it impossible to forget Natsu...especially for you."

"Oh? Do elaborate." Lucy invited her to continue.

"Hai, well, wherever Natsu goes, Master Makarov gets sent a bill for some sort of damage." Levy ignored Lucy's implication to expand on the 'especially for you' part of her sentence, and instead talked more about Natsu's destructive nature. "He takes it out of Natsu's rewards, if I'm correct. That's why Natsu and Happy often beg, borrow and steal food from you." Levy winked at her.

"And I let them?" Lucy asked, curious about the life she'd forgotten.

"Hai," replied Levy. "But I don't think they give you much choice in the matter."

"Huh. They're quite a pair, aren't they?" Lucy commented.

"The fighting spirit of the guild, those two." Levy agreed. "Natsu could pick a fight with a hat stand if nothing else was available."

Lucy laughed and picked up the book closest to her, entitled The A-Z of Celestial Spirits.

"I figured that the SunSphere would have something to do with celestial magic." Levy shrugged in response to Lucy's raised eyebrow. "Especially since your attackers were after a celestial mage in particular."

"They were?" Lucy pressed. No one had told her much about the circumstances surrounding her accident.

"Hai, they made sure to check you were a celestial wizard, according to Gray." Levy explained.

"Huh." Lucy fell silent, pondering this, and flipped open the book she'd picked up.

After a couple of hours of searching through everything in the books that could possibly have been related to the mysterious SunSphere, Lucy shut the one she was holding - Celestial Magic through the Ages - and pushed it aside, deducing that there was nothing useful to be found in there.

"Nothing," she told Levy.

"Nothing here, either," Levy agreed. "I think we need a break."

"Me too." Lucy said. "Hey, can we go to my apartment? I know I'm not meant to leave here, but it would be quite nice to see where I live...and I would also like some fresh clothes." She smiled sheepishly at Levy.

Levy crinkled her nose back. "No problem, Lu-chan. Let's go!"

Lucy grabbed her key and allowed Levy to assist her out of the bed. Once she was stood up, she let go of Levy's proffered arm, choosing to ignore her slightly shaky legs and walk by herself to her apartment. Levy led the way, pointing out key places in Magnolia as they went.

"We're almost there now, Lu-chan," Levy told her, noting that Lucy seemed paler than normal with the exertion of walking.

Lucy nodded in reply, trying not to show how tired she was to Levy. They turned into a building and Levy led her along a corridor and halted in front of a sturdy wooden door.

"There you go!" Levy chirped. "Your appartment."

Lucy raised the key and tried to insert it into the lock, but her hand was trembling too much for her to fit the strip of metal she held to the keyhole. Through that door was confirmation of the life she had forgotten and she wasn't sure if she was ready to face that or not.

"Lu-chan, what's wrong?" Levy asked, confused.

"No-nothing," Lucy replied, finally getting the key into the lock.

She turned the key, heard the lock click, and slowly pushed open the door. Behind it was revealed a fairly big, tidy, two room apartment. The bed was neatly made up with a pink blanket, the bookshelf lined with Lucy's favourite books and on the desk was a blank piece of paper, marred by a drop of black ink from the pen resting on it.

"So, what do you think?" Levy asked.

Lucy didn't reply, but set about familiarising herself with everything. First off, she opened the window to let some fresh air into the stuffy appartment. Then she checked to fridge to ensure no perishables were left in it. It was empty.

"Levy-chan," Lucy asked, "when you said that Natsu and Happy raid my fridge...did you mean that they literally eat everything?"

"Hai," Levy, who'd been sat on a dining chair, watching Lucy attend her home, nodded happily.

"Huh." Lucy commented, walking through to the bathroom. "Ooh, this is nice!"

"I know," Levy said, sagely. "You told me once the bathroom was half the reason you chose this place."

"What were the other reasons?" Lucy walked back out of the bathroom.

"The price, the location, the size, the landlady." Levy listed.

"The landlady?" Lucy raised an eyebrow at Levy.

"Hai," Levy confirmed. "She wouldn't take no for an answer, apparently."

"Oh." Lucy replied, throwing open the closet. "Hey, where are all the dresses?"

"Dresses? You never wear dresses." Levy replied.

Lucy opened her mouth to reply, when she a movement in her periphery vision. Turning towards the window, she saw a face looking in at her. Lucy gasped, backed up a step, opened her mouth, and screamed.

Ohaiyo minna-san!

So I've left this update on a bit of a cliff-hanger...who do you think is at Lucy's window? I know ;)

This chapter doesn't have as much action in as the's more of a plot filler chapter. I hope you like it anyway.

I wanted to say arigato! Thank you sooo much for the reads! And the votes! And the comments! When I started this, I would have been happy (as in, crazy, top-of-the-world, over-the-moon happy) with one read, and I now have 14 votes! So, arigato!!!

You probably haven't read this far...if you have, comment with your favourite ship from Fairy Tail!

Matta ne, minna-san!

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