Chapter 4

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Natsu had not found trouble. The trouble had found him. It always managed to, somehow. Happy rolled over in his arms.

"Fish..." he mumbled, half asleep.

"Psst, Happy!" Natsu prodded the exceed. "Wake up!"

"" Happy refused to wake.

"I'll catch you a massive fish to give to Carla if you wake up!" Natsu bribed.

"Fish?" Happy asked, sitting up and yawning.

"Hai. Now be quiet. We appear to be in the enemy's camp." Natsu told him.

As he spoke, two men walked past the tree they were sat in. How they'd got into the tree? Natsu did not know. But he did know a chance for spying when he saw one, and he wasn't going to let this one slip through his fingers.

"...but Master Sosa said-" began the first man, quickly cut off by the second.

"I know what he said, Soseki." said the second man. "It's how that's the problem. We don't know what the SunSphere is, let alone where it's located!"

"Don't worry about it, Kenji," reassured Soseki. "We'll find it. And then we'll get it to Master Sosa and the plan will go ahead. You'll see."

"And I suppose you know somewhere to look?" replied Kenji sarcastically.

"Hai," answered Soseki. "The Tosho Sekai."

Kenji stopped and stared at him. " a library."

"Hai," replied Soseki happily.

"Are you an idiot? The SunSphere won't be in any library! You should be more intelligent, you're part of Shin Uchu!" Kenji yelled.

"Shh, do you hear that?" Soseki ignored him.

"Did you even listen to me?" Kenji asked, irritated.

"Shh!" Soseki repeated.

Together, Kenji and Soseki turned and looked straight up at Natsu.

"Happy, now!" Natsu cried. Happy grabbed Natsu's shoulders and flew into the air with him.

"After him! Don't let him escape!" Kenji yelled, causing half the camp to look over at them.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu yelled, fire spewing from his mouth across the camp.

This would have provided a perfect mostly discrete distraction for them to get away...if the fire had not hit a tent full of fire lachryma which, when hit with the magic, overcharged and exploded. Happy started weaving madly through the air, trying to avoid the explosions.

Erza and Gray, still searching for Natsu, saw the explosions and sighed.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that those aren't fireworks, are they." Gray said more than asked.

"And I'm going to assume Natsu was involved." Erza agreed "Let's go."

The two ran towards the explosions, Erza requipping into her Heaven's Wheel Armour as she ran.

"Expecting a fight, are we?" Gray quipped.

"Knowing Natsu, I'm preparing for anything." Replied Erza.

Gray inclined his head slightly in agreement.

"Heads up!"

"What the-"



Just then Natsu bowled into Gray and Erza, knocking them over, whilst Happy hovered above them. Natsu jumped up, grinning.

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