Chapter 6

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Lucy's scream continued for an extraordinarily long time at an extremely high pitch.

Levy stared at her, ears covered and mouth open, and calculated that the entirety of Magnolia and, in fact, everyone within a five mile radius could probably hear her. Once she saw Lucy had finished screaming and was instead breathing heavily, Levy removed her hands from her ears.

Too soon, though, as Lucy opened her mouth again and emitted a series of short shrieks as the figure at the window climbed into the room. Levy, getting a good look at the figure, burst into laughter.

Lucy, staring between the guy who'd just climbed through her window, and Levy, who was rolling on the floor crying with laughter, tried to decide who to deal with first. She settled on the guy who'd climbed through the window.

Picking up the nearest househole item that could double as a weapon, which happened to be a hairbrush, Lucy advanced towards her target.

"Woah, Luce, calm down, it's just me." He raised his hands and backed away slowly.

"NATSU!?" Lucy shrieked.

"Uh...hi?" He muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What on Earthland possessed you to come in through the window!?" Lucy shouted, waving the hairbrush around to emphasise her words.

"Calm down," Natsu told her. "That's how I always come in."

Lucy, lacking the words to get her point across, threw the hairbrush at him. Natsu, completely taken off-guard by Lucy's reaction, didn't move. This resulted in the pair of them staring at each other as a hairbrush flew through the air and bounced off Natsu's forehead.

Happy poked his head through the window. "Has Lucy stopped being scary?"

Levy had stopped laughing and was looking between Lucy and Natsu.

"You just...threw a Natsu." She said slowly.

Natsu, absent-mindedly rubbing his forehead where he'd been hit, stooped to pick up the hairbrush and gave it back to Lucy.

"Uh...arigato," she mumbled, taking it from him.

"A hairbrush," Natsu contemplated. "That's new."

"Gomenasai!" Lucy bowed, blushing, as what she'd done finally sank in. "Gomenasai! Gomenasai!"

"Hey, it's fine." Natsu grinned at her. "It didn't hurt at all. You have a really weak throw."

Lucy, unable to think of a suitable response, stared at him with her mouth open.

"Are you trying to catch flies, Lucy?" Happy asked.

"What? No!" She spluttered.

"Then why is your mouth open so wide?" He asked innocently.

"Shut up, cat!" Lucy glared at him.

Happy whimpered and went to hide behind Natsu. "Lucy's scary..." He complained to no one in particular.

"Lu-chan," Levy interrupted, only to be cut off by Lucy.

"Am I going completely insane?" She asked the room. "Because this is not a normal situation! I don't throw hairbrushes, people don't enter a house through the window, and cats do not talk!"

"Happy's not a cat," pointed out Levy. "He's an exceed."

"I...I'm just..." Lucy tried to say, then shook her head. "I'm going to make tea."

Once the appartment had been restored to a state of relative normalcy and the four were sat round the table sipping their tea, which was black because Natsu and Happy had even finished the milk, the conversation resumed in a slightly more normal direction.

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