Chapter 1

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"Wait, wait, wait," Lucy said, holding up her hands. "You're telling me that I joined the Fairy Tail guild eight years ago, in June X784?"

Mirajane nodded.

"If so, that would make me 25 years old." Lucy continued, quickly doing the maths in her head. "Which I most definitely am not. How can you explain that?"

"A group of us, including you, were in a time-suspended animation bubble on Tenrou island for seven years, from December X784 to April X791." Mirajane explained.

"OK," Lucy sorted through this in her head. "So even though I've forgotten eight years of time, I've only forgotten one year of my life? So I'm only 17, not 25? I guess that makes sense...but it's a lot to take in."

"I know," Mirajane replied emphatically. "But you must understand that the entire guild, all your nakama, are here to support you, especially your team mates."

"And we will get your memory back." vowed a new voice. The two girls looked over and saw Natsu leaning in the doorway.

"Ah, I'll give you two a moment alone." Mirajane said, getting up and leaving, giving Natsu a wink on the way out.

Natsu shut the door of the infirmary after her and went to sit on the end of Lucy's bed. Having gathered up the courage to actually come and visit Lucy, albeit only with Gray's encouragement, he now did not know what to say. He stared at his hands which were laying in his lap.

Luckily for him, Lucy started a conversation before the silence became too long and awkward.

"You're Natsu-san, right?" she asked shyly.

"Just Natsu," he sighed heavily.

"OK." she muttered, slightly uncomfortable at the lack of honorific. She must have known these people very well indeed.

There was another pause, then Natsu spoke up.

"If...if there's anything you want to know, you can just ask." he told her, finally looking at her.

"Oh." Lucy mumbled. "Then, um, can I contact my father?"

Natsu looked at her sharply. Lucy deduced that although she didn't know the man sat before her, he knew her very well. It therefore followed that he knew about the issues she had with her father and wondered why she wanted to contact him. For Lucy, though, her father was the one thing that could give her some solidarity, as she'd known him in the time before she'd lost her memories. Natsu blew out a breath and then said something Lucy did not expect at all.

"Lucy, your father is dead." Natsu told her.

"Wh-what?" Lucy blinked in shock.

"About a year ago now." Natsu continued. "It was whilst we were on Tenrou island."


"Are you OK?" Natsu asked her.

"Yes. No? I don't know!" Lucy cried. "I never loved him, but he was my father. I mean, I'm not...sad, as such, but it's just a shock, you know?" Somehow, even though Natsu was a stranger to her, telling him how she felt seemed natural.

She didn't realise that a tear was rolling down her cheek until Natsu cradled her face and wiped away the drop of salt water with his thumb. Seeking any form of comfort, she leant forward and wrapped her arms around Natsu.

Natsu stiffened as he felt Lucy's arms around him. Not knowing what else to do he patted her awkwardly on her shoulder. This was akin to torture, he reflected, to have Lucy in his arms again like this, but her so unaware of what she meant to him.

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