Once upon a star (Touko x N)

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 "Wait up N!" Touko scurried after the green haired trainer. She sighed and bit her lip, her brow furrowing slightly. Ahead of her N stopped and turned, holding a hand out towards her. A small smiled formed on Touko's lips as she grabbed his hand and yelped as he pulled her up beside him. "Why was you hurrying so much? What is the big 'thing' you said you had to show me?" A small blush tinted Touko's cheeks as he wrapped a hand around her waist. She stared at N and gently pulled herself and her hand away from him. She watched N blush slightly and lower his head, letting his green hair shield his face. Silence descended between the two and Touko silently counted the seconds.

1 Tepig...

2 Tepig...

3 Tepig...

4 Tepig...

5 Tep-

 Touko's head snapped up from where she had lowered it at hearing N cough.

 "The big thing is something you need to see. It's something that can only rarely be seen." He turned around and marched towards a thin lining of trees that stood eerily alone, their branches stretched out appearing to be like hands, ready to snap up anyone who neared. Touko sighed and shook her head, her eyes following N's movements whilst he walked into the trees and vanished into their shadows. She bit her lip and ran after him, her hair bouncing with each footstep that pounded against the damp ground.

If N gets me killed by going in there remind me to come back and haunt his ass Arceus...

-20 minutes later-

 Touko walked beside N, her hands clinging to his arm slightly as he led the way towards the big thing.

Where is he taking me?

Is this thing really so important and rare?

 Touko bit her lip and glanced towards N, her eyes narrowing slightly as he yanked her through a small gap between the trees and into a small clearing. Oran berry trees stood in tall proud lines on the furthest edge of the clearing, their branches swaying as the wind swept through them.

 "Hurry up Touko." Touko's brow furrowed further as N walked to the only other item within the clearing, a giant rock, a sat down on it. He motioned for her to come over, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Touko nodded and walked towards N before her brow furrowed further.

 "N, there isn't enough room for me to sit." Touko's face bloomed into a deep red as a N wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap, holding her securely and nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

 "I already told you Touko. I want to show you something that is almost as rare and beautiful as you are." Touko nodded slightly, a mixture of confusion and embarrassment engulfing her face.

What does he have to show me?

I bet it's something amazing.

It always is with N.

 "Look up Touko. Look up at the Night sky." Touko snapped out of her thoughts and raised her head to look up at the star filled, clear night sky. Her eyes flickered over, searching silently for a few moments.

 "What am I-" A gasp parted from Touko's lips as her eyes widened and filled with awe at seeing a single, lone star shoot through the sky. Behind that star three more followed, each one illuminating the sky with a different colour. Pink, blue, red, yellow and green. "It's a shooting star! It's four shooting stars!"

 "Quick, let's make a wish." Touko nodded. She clasped her hands tightly together and scrunched her eyes closed and bit her bottom lip.

I wish...

 Touko opened her eyes after making her wish. She turned on N's lap to look at him and looked at him curiously.

"What did you wish for?" Touko giggled at seeing N blush.

"It- It's not important." He diverted his eyes away from Touko and bit his lip.

 "To me it is. Please tell me N." Touko tilted her head to meet N's eyes and pouted slightly, causing guilt to flash over his features as she did. He sighed and shook his head.

 "You know I am weak to your pout. But... I will show you my wish..." surprise flared in Touko's eyes as N leant forwards. He pressed his lips firmly to hers, cupping her cheek with his hand.

Oh N...

 A blush spread over Touko's cheeks as she kissed him back, her eyes closing as she ignored the world around her and the last shooting star that shot through the sky.


I am so sorry for this SUPER later update. I actually wrote this ages ago on paper but never bothered to type it up... SORRY! SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME MY LITTLE EEVEE'S! TT.TT

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