My Thing (N x Ghetsis)

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 Ghetsis walked out of Nuvema town, his long tangled green hair blowing out behind him- the strands of individual locks dancing and lashing through the cool autumn air. In his hand his 'cane' tapped against the stone littered footpath which showed lingering signs of ware and tear which made the tall city behind him appear less than grand. He glared at an invisible presence ahead of him and stopped, leaning against his cane for unneeded support as he reached deep within his cloaks pocket and fiddled with a small box, his thumb brushing over the single button which was on its side, tempting him to click it. He pressed it and pulled his hand out of his pocket, a small mysterious smile flickering over his lips.

Rumours say that the 'thing' is near by- in Lostlorn Forest.

Ghetsis began to walk once again; his single visible eye narrowing into a glare which he aimed towards the noisy grandparents who held onto their grandchildren's hands and yanked them away from Ghetsis. A small smirk played on his lips before his top lip curled up, revealing his barred teeth which seemed to grate against each other in anger. He shook his head and glanced towards the gate keeper, suspicion flickering through Ghetsis mind at seeing the painted smiled on their face. He grunted and spun back towards the glass door ahead of him and planted his hand against the cool glass and pushed it open.. He strode out onto route 16, his chest puffing out and his muscles tensing as he passed a near by police officer who appeared to be hiding from his day duties and tucking into a doughnut. Ghetsis paused in front of the officer and glanced towards the chubby guy from the corner of his right eye. His gaze snapped to the route in front of him as the sound of pounding footsteps echoed to his ears. He grunted at seeing the multiple trainers who had stopped in their tasks and turned to face him, making their way towards where he stood, clutching onto their pokeballs in anticipation. Ghetsis rolled his eye, clear irritation lingering on his features before he raised a hand high into the air. He clicked his fingers and held his middle finger pointed towards the sun, a motion which meant nothing to those who observed his actions. They shifted and looked at Ghetsis, still waiting for him to step closer to where they stood. Once again Ghetsis repeated his earlier action and masked his surprise as three crouched boys flickered into existence in front of him. They tilted their heads simultaneously and stood, turning on the spot, appearing not to care as their snow white hair blinded their vision. The boys turned to look over their shoulders at Ghetsis who nodded in response.Their heads snapped around and they shuffled forwards- their ninja themed outfits clinging to their bodies, appearing to not be affected by the wind which got stronger with each step forwards that they took. On the odd occasion their bodies would flicker out of existence and appear a few steps further forwards than before; surprising the curious trainers who watched, their earlier eagerness to battle Ghetsis being momentarily forgotten. Ghetsis glanced dismissively at the three boys and strode past them.. "Battle any trainers who try to stop me. I do not have the time for such simpletons," he stated and pushed past the trainers who refused to step out of his footpath. He glared at a near by trainer who was perched on his bike, looking intently at Ghetsis cloak which trailed along the ground, picking up the dirt behind him. "Hey Mr, I-" Ghetsis turned his head towards the biker who had spoken, his words appearing to be directed in the direction of asking for a battle. His red eyes flickered over the seemingly ordinary boy whose expression had turned from eager to curious. Ghetsis turned away from the biker and began to walk forwards once again. You're not even worth the effort of getting the three minions to battle." He spoke whilst continuing to walk through the crowds of people and chuckled coldly under his breath at hearing the intake of breath behind him. To his left the three white haired boys scurried past; their flickering increasing like a bad television connection. With purposeful slowness he continued to walk forwards and pass the multiple trainers, occasionally firing a harsh comment or waving a hand to one of the boys who ran off to battle the trainer so his path remained clear. All too soon he walked into Lostlorn Forest and growled at the near by low-hanging branches which reached for him, scratching at his hair and clothing, as if attempting to hold him back. He shrugged away the branches and chuckled as the nearby Sewaddle and Pansage's hopped away from him, appearing to be fearful of him.

The minutes soon turned to hours and Ghetsis continued to walk, passing over and destroying the blades of grass, tree branches and flowers which clutched at his robe. Ghetsis sighed as he neared the centre of the forest and was met by multiple braver pokemon who stood in a barrier between himself and the clearing which he knew would be near by and containing his 'thing.' He glanced over his shoulder and frowned as memories of him dismissing the trio earlier, echoed through his mind. He shook the thought away and lifted his cane, adjusteing his grip on the handle and beginning to swing at the nearest pokemon- a pidove- who had flown towards him before being struck by the cane and sent crashing into the ground a few metres away. Ghetsis ignored the cries of pain and continued to beat away the pokemon who launched themselves at him in a flurry of attacks . With each pokemon that attempted to delay him, his actions became more violent and he swung his cane in wide arcs, throwing them into the ground.

You can't get away from me... No, not this time.

A victorious roar tore from his throat as the last pokemon fell to the ground by his feet. He shrugged his cloak further onto his shoulders and brushed his clothing down. He raised his head away from the ground and froze, his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth as his eyes lingered on two nearing silhouettes who stood close to each other, their bodies brushing past the others with each step. Ghetsis ground his teeth together and lowered his cane before he walked forwards, trying to duck behind a tree to hide from view. He ground his teeth together at seeing the two figures features clear, revealing who they were.

Zoruark... Does that creature think he can take my thing from me?

His eyes flickered over the black and red creature who had rested a paw on the other figures (a young boy no older than ten) shoulder. Ghetsis shook his head and glanced down, before he straightened and pushed himself away from the Oran berry tree which he had been hiding behind. He adjusted his grip on his cane which was smeared with blood from the earlier fight. His hand slid around the handle and moved to hold onto the cool metal. His hand stopped and he raised the cane, resting it over his shoulder like a batter would.

I must defend it- the creature that has my my thing. My thing is not allowed to leave me without my permission... My thing belong to me and only me.

Ghetsis began to walk forwards, his brow furrowed and his teeth bared in disgust as the Zoruark and young boy noticed him for the first time. Zoruark pushed the young boy behind him and crouched, appearing ready to attack Ghetsis in a moments notice. Ghetsis ignored the warning growl which left the threatening creatures lips, and smirked. "No one is allowed a place in my kings heart... No one except me and me alone!" His yell echoed around him, causing the near by pokemon to stir before Ghetsis untied his cloak, letting it fall to the ground. He dashed towards Zoruark who blocked the cane with his arm and met Ghetsis red eye. A mutual silent message passed between them.

The winner would get N.


A quick note: don't forget you can make a request for a certain shipping my little Eevee's. ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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