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The great elven king sat upon his throne lost in though. She was gone, truly gone. Never to come back again. Her smile, gone. Her beautiful eyes, gone. Her laugh, gone. The  only thing left of her were the great elven king's love for her, his memories of her, the necklace she gave him, and their new son. The great elven king used to smile, but he would not smile for a long time. The great elven king could once feel compassion, but his ability to feel compassion would be lost for a while. The great elven king became broken even though he refused to admit it. His heart was smashed and the great elven king would either exceed his sires in his time to rule, or great would he be no more...

Hey, I want to write about Thranduil so there. I have no idea where this will go but hopefully it will not fail. Anyway, maybe one or more chapters will be posted today and tomorrow, if I actually figure out what I am going to write about.

The Love of a King(a Thranduil fanfic)(currently on pause)Where stories live. Discover now