Twists and Turns

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It was the end of the school day, and I could finally be with Alison again. After making out secretly between periods all day, I was dying to kiss her properly.
Alison and I met up after school and I drove her back to her house in my car.
"Em, my dad and mom are away all weekend for a business trip..." She said seductively. "And I don't wanna be alone... Care to join me?"
My heart started beating faster and I pushed Alison through the door and slammed it shut.
"Of course!" I whispered, before smashing my lips against hers. We kissed passionately and I lead her up the stairs and into her room, never once breaking the kiss. As I pulled her shirt off, I coild feel my heart pounding and my breathing getting faster. It was getting more and more heated by the second, and we were so engrossed in the moment that we didn't even notice Aria, Hanna and Spencer walk through the door.
"Anything you need to tell us?" Spencer says.
I quickly whip around with shock to see them three standing there. Awkwardly, I pull on my shirt again as they stand by the staring at us coolly.
"We knew there was something fishy going on between you two so, we followed you here" Hanna tells us.
"You know, you could have just told us.. We would have supported you!" Aria finished.
"You would have?!" I asks, taken aback.
"Of course. We love you guys" says Spencer.
"And if you guys make eachother happy then..." Hanna said.
"We're happy for you!"
I look at all the girls and smiled brightly, it feels so good to finally tell them the truth, because keeping it a secret was too much.
"Me and Ali are gonna spend some time together, we'll see you later, okay?" I tell them.
"TOO MUCH INFORMATION, EM!" Hanna squeals. She walks out the door, laughing, and the girls follow her.
After they're gone I shut the door and turn to Alison.
"I'm so relieved that we finally told the girls. All we have to do now it tell everyone else!" I say excitedly.
"Everyone else?" Ali says, her voice wavering.
"Yeah... It's not like we can keep this all a secret!"
"Umm... I don't know if we should tell everyone yet..." Ali stutters. It's just that everyone will.. um..."
"Will what?!" I ask Alison.
"judge me..." She whispers.
"And you care what they think?"
"Well.... uhhh.... Kind of..."
"Wow." I say, angrily. "You care what the people at our school think more than you care about me?! I thought you were different now. I thought you had changed!" My voice is raised now, and I'm almost shouting.
"Em! I HAVE changed. I AM different. I'm just worried about losing my status. No one popular is gay..."
"Fuck off, Alison. Gay isn't a crime!!" I spit out. I storm out of her room and run out of the house, grabbing my bag and getting into my car. Ali is running after me, shouting my name; but, I ignore her as I don't want to talk to her right now. I'm so hurt by everything she said. I honestly thought she had changed but, I guess I was wrong.
When I get home, my mom is out, as usual. I call Hanna and ask for her to come over. Hearing the upset in my voice, she tells me she'll be here soon, and that she'll bring movies and soda so we can curl up tonight and forget about our problems...
When Hanna arrives we go up to my room and lie down on my bed, spreading the food around on my covers and starting the movie. As the opening credits start to play, Hanna notices me sniffling and pauses the movie.
" Em, what's wrong?" Hanna asks me.
"Nothing..." I lie.
"I know when you're lying, Emily Fields. Now tell me the truth... Is it about Ali?"
"Well, yes.. What happened is that, after you guys left I told her I was excited to tell everyone about us and she said she cares more about her popularity than me!"
I'm in tears now but Hanna pulls me close and hugs me.
"You and Ali will get through this, I know you will. Everything will be okay..."
We finish the movie and by the time it's done, we need to sleep as we have school tomorrow. Hanna falls asleep the second her head hits the pillow, but I can't. I lie awake in the dark, thinking about Alison. I'm still so angry at her, but I do miss her...
As if it was planned, I get a text from Ali that second.
I'm so sorry Em! I hope that we can work things out tomorrow... I really care about you and I want things to go back to the way they were. I miss you...
- Alison <3 :'(
I ignore Alison's text and turn my phone off. Then I lie back onto my bed and try to fall asleep...

This love is poison: An emison fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now