You're all I've ever wanted

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When I wake up, Hanna has stolen all the duvet and is wrapped up in it, her t-shirt twisted and her legs entwined around the duvet. I laugh a little, and then shake her so she wakes up, as I don't want us to be late for school and I know it takes Hanna FOREVER to get ready.
Hanna moans as I wake her and turns around, pressing her face into a pillow, refusing to wake up because she says it's too early.
"HANNA!" I screech.
I get up, as I'm already awake, and go to the window. I count down from three under my breath, and then on one, I pull open the blinds and the sun rays seep through my window, practically blinding us.
Hanna screams and shouts at me, while I cover my eyes and laugh at her. She groans, by finally accept defeat and gets out of bed.
An hour later, Hanna and I are both dressed and ready, and have eaten breakfast. I grab my car keys and go outside, waiting for Hanna in the car. Hanna struts out in her three inch heels, and then struggles into the car, as she tries not to mess up her 'look'.
"You gonna be okay today?" Hanna asks.
"I think so. I don't know though... I feel like things with me and Ali are going to be very awkward..."
"Don't worry about it! We'll stick together, hannily forever!" Hanna chuckles. I laugh with her, and then start up my car and we head to school.
--- at school ---
As we catch up to the girls, Alison is waiting anxiously with them. I ignore her and talk to the others, and we discuss our plans for the weekend.
"You guys wanna stay at mine tonight? We can go get breakfast at the brew tomorrow together seeing as it's Saturday!" Spencer asks.
All of us say yes and plan to meet in Spencer's barn at 8. Even though I'm excited for tonight, I don't want to be there with Ali, it's going to be so awkward. We can't even stand together without there being tension. I can only imagine what it will be like when we're sleeping in neighbouring sleeping-bags. I'm so nervous but, I push my feelings outside and head to class with Hanna.
We wait outside room 12, and Hanna turns to me and asks me what I'm gonna do about Alison tonight.
"I think so but, I guess I'll just have to ignore her..."
Hanna's about to reply, but she's cut off by the crisp sound of Ms Williams walking towards us in her high heels. She signals for us to go in and we all trudge into the classroom. It smells, disgustingly, of cleaner in the classroom and I almost gag.
A few minutes after we've sat down, Ali comes sauntering into the class with a sheet of paper. She hands it to Ms Williams and she signs it, and tells Alison to sit down. It's obviously a class transfer sheet, but why would Ali transfer to this class?
Alison sits a couple rows ahead of me and the class stars. It's boring as hell and I almost fall asleep, but I am woken up by the vibrate of my phone. I sneak it under my desk and check it, to see that it's a text from Ali.
Can we please sort this out, Em? Meet me after school!
I reply 'ok' to Ali but, unfortunately, she forgot to turn her phone on silent and a loud alert sets off. Ms Williams whips round and catches me and Ali on our phones, telling us that we have detention after school today. I sigh, hand over my phone to her, and the class carries on.
School passes fairly quickly and before I know it, Ali and I are stuck in detention with an annoying teacher. We sit in silence and the teacher flicks through a magazine, and then suddenly gets up and leaves the room. As soon as the door shuts, Alison turns round and faces me.
"Em can we please talk about this?"
"There's nothing to talk about!"
"Yes there is! I'm sorry for the things I said, okay? And I want us to be 'us' again!"
"You always say these things, but you don't really mean them."
"I do. I've changed, Em. I really have!"
"I'm not so sure about that anymore..."
"Why not?"
"Because even after everything, you'd still choose popularity and your reputation over me"
I check the clock and see that detention is over, so I walk out of the classroom and down the corridor. Alison follows me all the way to the courtyard, where a hub of girls in our year are standing. She leads me right in front of them, and then kisses me passionately. She slips her hands around my waist and moves them up to my head, running her hands through my hair. The group of girls are gasping, and pulling out their phones to take photos of us to share on the Internet. I'm touched, as Ali knows what this will do to her, but she did it anyway.
When we finally pull apart, Ali's eyes are shinin with passion and she's smiling, just like me...

This love is poison: An emison fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now