Chapter Two

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It's the next day and guess what has happened? Only one thing can annoy me and that is rain. Sure I love rain, but when you live where I live, rain is the second most dormant thing in the whole entire place. Because it's either raining or it's sunny. Today kind of sucks, because I wanted to spend some time outside. But no, the rain gods had to come out today of all days, just to destroy my fun and also the Pevensie children's first full day here.

Oh am I rambling again? Sorry about that but I really wanted to go outside so I could ride my horse, but no the rain had to come so I couldn't ride her. Oh well as long as I have the Pevensie's with me, then I won't be so bored all the time.

The Pevensie's and I are sitting in the same room as we were sitting in yesterday. I was sitting next to Susan who had a big thick dictionary on her lap, while Lucy looked out the window. Edmund was playing with the chair, doing God knows what with it and Peter sat on a chair, playing the game Susan created.

"Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar." Susan read looking at the dictionary. "Come on Peter Gastrovascular." Susan urged looking at Peter.

"It is Latin?" Peter asked.

"Is it Latin for, 'the worst game ever invented?'" Edmund commented coming out from under the chair a smirk evident on his face. 

Peter smiled at his younger brother before looking over to Susan and I. Susan slammed her book closed causing me to jump a bit, not expecting her to slam the book shut like that, so of course I was startled so don't go looking at me like that.... yeah you! Stop looking at me like that!

"We could play hide and seek." Lucy said innocently causing me to jump up from my seat and advanced towards Peters other side.

"But we're already having so much fun." Peter commented sarcastically looking at Susan before looking at Lucy, not noticing that Susan rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Come on Peter please." I whined grabbing his arm. 

Peter looked down at his arm before looking back up at me. I looked over at Lucy then back at Peter giving him my best puppy dog eyes I could muster, which was hard since I'm not that great with puppy dog eyes.

"Come on Peter please." Lucy whined gaining her brother's attention. "Pretty please." Lucy pouted when Peter looked at her.

Peter looked back at me then to Lucy before smiling.

"One, two, three, four..." Peter started causing Lucy and I to smile widely.

"What?" Edmund asked, not believing that we're playing a little kids game.

I grabbed his arm and pushed him away before going over to Susan and dragging her with me to my favourite hiding place in the whole house. Apart from my bedrooms wardrobe of course, now that's a good spot cause reasons you don't really need to know.

"Where are we going?" Susan whispered-yelled.

I winked at her before dragging her along with me. After a while of running I found the wide chest and opened it gesturing her to go first, once she was inside I went in as well.

"So." I said after a few seconds of hiding in the chest, causing Susan to look at me with confusion. "You come here often?" 

"You sure are something." Susan said causing me to giggle.


~Le Time Skip: To When Lucy Falls Out of Wardrobe~

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